Page:EB1911 - Volume 11.djvu/331

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as before there is a least value for ν, actually occurring in one or more periods, say in the period Ω′ = μ0ω + ν0ω′; now take, if μω + νω′ be a period, ν = N′ν0 + ν′, where N′ is an integer, and 0 ⋜ ν′ < ν0; thence μω + νω′ = μω + N′(Ω′ − μ0ω) + νω′; take then μ − Nμ0 = Nλ0 + λ′, where N is an integer and λ0 is as above, and 0 ⋜ λ′ < λ0; we thus have a period NΩ + N′Ω′ + λω + νω′, and hence a period λω + νω′, wherein λ′ < λ0, ν′ < ν0; hence ν′ = 0 and λ′ = 0. All periods of the form μω + νω′ are thus expressible in the form NΩ + N′Ω′, where Ω, Ω′ are periods and N, N′ are integers. But in fact any complex quantity, P + iQ, and in particular any other possible period of the function, is expressible, with μ, ν real, in the form μω + νω′; for if ω = ρ + iσ, ω′ = ρ′ + iσ′, this requires only P = μρ + νρ′, Q = μσ + νσ′, equations which, since ω′/ω is not real, always give finite values for μ and ν.

It thus appears that if a single valued monogenic function of z be periodic, either all its periods are real multiples of one of them, and then all are of the form MΩ, where Ω is a period and M is an integer, or else, if the function have two periods whose ratio is not real, then all its periods are expressible in the form NΩ + N′Ω′, where Ω, Ω′ are periods, and N, N′ are integers. In the former case, putting ζ = 2πiz/Ω, and the function ƒ(z) = φ(ζ), the function φ(ζ) has, like exp (ζ), the period 2πi, and if we take t = exp (ζ) or ζ = λ(t) the function is a single valued function of t. If then in particular ƒ(z) is an integral function, regarded as a function of t, it has singularities only for t = 0 and t = ∞, and may be expanded in the form Σ −∞ an tn.

Taking the case when the single valued monogenic function has two periods ω, ω′ whose ratio is not real, we can form a network of parallelograms covering the plane of z whose angular points are the points c + mω + mω′, wherein c is some constant and m, m′ are all possible positive and negative integers; choosing arbitrarily one of these parallelograms, and calling it the primary parallelogram, all the values of which the function is at all capable occur for points of this primary parallelogram, any point, z′, of the plane being, as it is called, congruent to a definite point, z, of the primary parallelogram, z′ − z being of the form mω + mω′, where m, m′ are integers. Such a function cannot be an integral function, since then, if, in the primary parallelogram |ƒ(z)| < M, it would also be the case, on a circle of centre the origin and radius R, that |ƒ(z)| < M, and therefore, if Σan zn be the expansion of the function, which is valid for an integral function for all finite values of z, we should have |an| < MRn, which can be made arbitrarily small by taking R large enough. The function must then have singularities for finite values of z.

We consider only functions for which these are poles. Of these there cannot be an infinite number in the primary parallelogram, since then those of these poles which are sufficiently near to one of the necessarily existing limiting points of the poles would be arbitrarily near to one another, contrary to the character of a pole. Supposing the constant c used in naming the corners of the parallelograms so chosen that no pole falls on the perimeter of a parallelogram, it is clear that the integral 1/(2πi) ƒ(z) dz round the perimeter of the primary parallelogram vanishes; for the elements of the integral corresponding to two such opposite perimeter points as z, z + ω (or as z, z + ω′) are mutually destructive. This integral is, however, equal to the sum of the residues of ƒ(z) at the poles interior to the parallelogram. Which sum is therefore zero. There cannot therefore be such a function having only one pole of the first order in any parallelogram; we shall see that there can be such a function with two poles only in any parallelogram, each of the first order, with residues whose sum is zero, and that there can be such a function with one pole of the second order, having an expansion near this pole of the form (z-a)−2 + (power series in za).

Considering next the function φ(z) = [ƒ(z)]−1 dƒ(z)/dz, it is easily seen that an ordinary point of ƒ(z) is an ordinary point of φ(z), that a zero of order m for ƒ(z) in the neighbourhood of which ƒ(z) has a form, (za)m multiplied by a power series, is a pole of φ(z) of residue m, and that a pole of ƒ(z) of order n is a pole of φ(z) of residue −n; manifestly φ(z) has the two periods of ƒ(z). We thus infer, since the sum of the residues of φ(z) is zero, that for the function ƒ(z), the sum of the orders of its vanishing at points belonging to one parallelogram, Σm, is equal to the sum of the orders of its poles, Σn; which is briefly expressed by saying that the number of its zeros is equal to the number of its poles. Applying this theorem to the function ƒ(z) − A, where A is an arbitrary constant, we have the result, that the function ƒ(z) assumes the value A in one of the parallelograms as many times as it becomes infinite. Thus, by what is proved above, every conceivable complex value does arise as a value for the doubly periodic function ƒ(z) in any one of its parallelograms, and in fact at least twice. The number of times it arises is called the order of the function; the result suggests a property of rational functions.

Consider further the integral z [ƒ′(z)/ƒ(z)] dz, where ƒ′(z) = dƒ(z)/dz taken round the perimeter of the primary parallelogram; the contribution to this arising from two opposite perimeter points such as z and z + ω is of the form −ω z [ƒ′(z)/ƒ(z)] dz, which, as z increases from z0 to z0 + ω′, gives, if λ denote the generalized logarithm, − ω {λ [ƒ(z0 + ω′)] − λ[ƒ(z0)]}, that is, since ƒ(z0 + ω′) = ƒ(z0), gives 2πiNω, where N is an integer; similarly the result of the integration along the other two opposite sides is of the form 2πiN′ω′, where N′ is an integer. The integral, however, is equal to 2πi times the sum of the residues of zƒ′(z) / ƒ(z) at the poles interior to the parallelogram. For a zero, of order m, of ƒ(z) at z = a, the contribution to this sum is 2πima, for a pole of order n at z = b the contribution is −2πinb; we thus infer that Σma − Σnb = Nω + N′ω′; this we express in words by saying that the sum of the values of z where ƒ(z) = 0 within any parallelogram is equal to the sum of the values of z where ƒ(z) = ∞ save for integral multiples of the periods. By considering similarly the function ƒ(z) − A where A is an arbitrary constant, we prove that each of these sums is equal to the sum of the values of z where the function takes the value A in the parallelogram.

We pass now to the construction of a function having two arbitrary periods ω, ω′ of unreal ratio, which has a single pole of the second order in any one of its parallelograms.

For this consider first the network of parallelograms whose corners are the points Ω = mω + mω′, where m, m′ take all positive and negative integer values; putting a small circle about each corner of this network, let P be a point outside all these circles; this will be interior to a parallelogram whose corners in order may be denoted by z0, z0 + ω, z0 + ω + ω′, z0 + ω′; we shall denote z0, z0 + ω by A0, B0; this parallelogram Π0 is surrounded by eight other parallelograms, forming with Π0 a larger parallelogram Π1, of which one side, for instance, contains the points z0ωω′, z0ω′, z0ω′ + ω, z0ω′ + 2ω, which we shall denote by A1, B1, C1, D1. This parallelogram Π1 is surrounded by sixteen of the original parallelograms, forming with Π1 a still larger parallelogram Π2 of which one side, for instance, contains the points z0 − 2ω − 2ω′, z0ω − 2ω′, z0 − 2ω′, z0 + ω − 2ω′, z0 + 2ω − 2ω′, z0 + 3ω − 2ω′, which we shall denote by A2, B2, C2, D2, E2, F2. And so on. Now consider the sum of the inverse cubes of the distances of the point P from the corners of all the original parallelograms. The sum will contain the terms

S0 = 1 + ( 1 + 1 + 1 ) + ( 1 + 1 + ... + 1 ) + ...
PA03 PA13 PB13 PC13 PA23 PB23 PE23

and three other sets of terms, each infinite in number, formed in a similar way. If the perpendiculars from P to the sides A0B0, A1B1C1, A2B2C2D2E2, and so on, be p, p + q, p + 2q and so on, the sum S0 is at most equal to

1 + 3 + 5 + . . . + 2n + 1 + . . .
p3 (p + q)3 (p + 2q)3 (p + nq)3

of which the general term is ultimately, when n is large, in a ratio of equality with 2q−3 n−2, so that the series S0 is convergent, as we know the sum Σn−2 to be; this assumes that p ≠ 0; if P be on A0B0 the proof for the convergence of S0 − 1/PA03, is the same. Taking the three other sums analogous to S0 we thus reach the result that the series

φ(z)=−2Σ (zΩ)−3,

where Ω is mω + mω′, and m, m′ are to take all positive and negative integer values, and z is any point outside small circles described with the points Ω as centres, is absolutely convergent. Its sum is therefore independent of the order of its terms. By the nature of the proof, which holds for all positions of z outside the small circles spoken of, the series is also clearly uniformly convergent outside these circles. Each term of the series being a monogenic function of z, the series may therefore be differentiated and integrated outside these circles, and represents a monogenic function. It is clearly periodic with the periods ω, ω′; for φ(z + ω) is the same sum as φ(z) with the terms in a slightly different order. Thus φ(z + ω) = φ(z) and φ(z + ω′) = φ(z).

Consider now the function

ƒ(z) = 1 + z0 { φ(z) + 2 } dz,
z2 z3

where, for the subject of integration, the area of uniform convergence clearly includes the point z = 0; this gives

dƒ(z) = φ(z)


ƒ(z) = 1 + Σ{ 1 1 } ,
z2 (zΩ)2 Ω2

wherein Σ′ is a sum excluding the term for which m = 0 and m′ = 0. Hence ƒ(z + ω) − ƒ(z) and ƒ(z + ω′) − ƒ(z) are both independent of z. Noticing, however, that, by its form, ƒ(z) is an even function of z, and putting z = −1/2ω, z = −1/2ω′ respectively, we infer that also ƒ(z) has the two periods ω and ω′. In the primary parallelogram Π0, however, ƒ(z) is only infinite at z = 0 in the neighbourhood of which its expansion is of the form z−2 + (power series in z). Thus ƒ(z) is such a doubly periodic function as was to be constructed, having in any parallelogram of periods only one pole, of the second order.

It can be shown that any single valued meromorphic function of z with ω and ω′ as periods can be expressed rationally in terms of ƒ(z) and φ(z), and that [φ(z)]2 is of the form 4[ƒ(z)]3 + Aƒ(z) + B, where A, B are constants.