Page:Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.djvu/65

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O:kAYOkAYO08C04.xaxd 65 1 General shall have the authorities provided in section 6 2 of the Inspector General Act of 1978. 3 (2) The Special Inspector General shall carry out the 4 duties specified in subsection (c)(1) in accordance with 5 section 4(b)(1) of the Inspector General Act of 1978. 6 (e) PERSONNEL, FACILITIES, AND OTHER RE- 7 SOURCES. (1) The Special Inspector General may select, 8 appoint, and employ such officers and employees as may 9 be necessary for carrying out the duties of' the Special In- 10 spector General, subject to the provisions of' title 5, United 11 States Code, governing appointments in the competitive 12 service, and the provisions of' chapter 51 and subchapter 13 III of' chapter 53 of' such title, relating to classification 14 and General Schedule pay rates. 15 (2) The Special Inspector General may obtain serw- 16 ices as authorized by section 3109 of' title 5, United States 17 Code, at daily rates not to exceed the equivalent rate pre- 18 scribed for grade GS-15 of' the General Schedule by sec- 19 tion 5332 of' such title. 20 (3) The Special Inspector General may enter into 21 contracts and other arrangements for audits, studies, 22 analyses, and other services with public agencies and with 23 private persons, and make such payments as may be nec- 24 essary to carry out the duties of' the Inspector General.