Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/290

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Baptism occurs within ten or fifteen days after birth, and, as is customary in the Catholic Church, children bear the name of some saint. Birthdays are not noticed, but the celebration of the dia de santo, or day of the saint for whom the child is named, is the most important event in his life. Cards are sent announcing the baptism thus:

having a seal upon it, either of ten cents in silver or a one dollar gold piece.

When ten or fifteen days old the infant is taken in charge by the padrinos (godfather and godmother), and after much elaborate preparation is carried to the church and baptized. These godparents are called comadre and compadre by the child's parents, in preference to their legitimate names.

The names of children of both sexes are identical, by simply changing the termination of a or o, and often even this is not done. José Maria is the same for both, but Pomposa is the feminine for Pomposo.

Within a reasonable time a great dinner follows, at which many handsome gifts are displayed for the young innocent. Cards of con-