Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/18

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��1280 Olives Sotton, dean of Lincoln, waa elected tsl Feb.

BEdw. 1. 1279-80. The Kim: assented to the election of the

chapter <>n the 18th of that month", ami the m\\

bishop waa consecrated 13 19th May . and enthroned

8th Sept. following . He died 13th Nov. 1299 .and

wafi interred in tin- east'Tii ]art <>f his cathedra]. Thf dean ami chapter of Lincoln, by letter dated

rd Nov. 1299, inform the King of the death of

their late bishop Oliver, ami request his majesty t<> issue ;i license for another l>i-ln>]> t<> 1" chosen 16 . Tip' K i 1 1 lt accordingly directed the license to issue, which was dispatched t<> the chapter on the 15th of

that month i: , ami

1300 John Dalokbby, chancellor of Lincoln, wn- elected

w.l. 1 8th Jan. 1 -^9 1300 18 , and the royal assent given to

his election 7th March following 1 '. He was confirmed

bj tlir archbishop of Canterbury 17th March 20 , ami

the temporalities w re r. stored t" him the next daj

��11 Tat. s. Edw. 1. in. 33.

'-' " Prater J rchiep - opus, discrete viro magistro G. arcbi- diacono London official] nostra in civitate et choc. London >'il' vacante. Quia renerabili riro O. Lincoln electo Dominica in post iiistans festom lesuiiecuonia Dominies, ridebcet die Sancti Dunstani, consecrationis manna impendere proponimua apud Lamheth, singnlk Bofrraganeia nostria celeriter denunciare cure- Dat. apud Koli -hale vi Id. April. 1 Reg. Peckham. In the Lincoln. Mart. fol. 7. the d of the election and consecration of Oliver Sutton aii differently given. ' 1279 u^o . Ricardo successit Olivems de Sutton, canonicus Lincoln. eccle^ia? de- canus, qui viii M. Febrnar. [6th Feb.]. eodem anno quo dii - nis Ricardue obiit, in episco-

��pum I. mi oln per riam inspira- tionis electoa : die sancti Au- guatini [36th May proximo se- qnente a Johanna Cantuar. epi-

Chron. I'etrob. u Reg. Peckh. fol. 166. [69.

1:> Obiit die Sancti Hricii.i 209. voc. Mart. Line fol. 7.

Lett, in Tuit. Load. temp. Edw. I. )" Pat. 28 Edw. I. m. .13. '- Lett. inTurr. Lond.S. 19a.

authority s ;i ys that he was

il wiii ( Sal. Feb. 15th .fin. riam -rrutinii, and CO! crated in Id.Junii prox. aeqnen. hut that mu-i he incorrect, as 11th June fell on Saturday in 1.300.

P . Edw. I. in. 27. \, It. in Turr. Lond.N -1 Tat. 28 Edw. I. .11. 2<<

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