Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/19

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��His consecration took place i 2th June 1300-^. He died at Stow-park 12th Jan. 131 9-20 - ,j . The conge d'elire vioe bishop Dalderbj beara date 22nd Jan. 1319-20-', and Le Neve, who follows Godwin, states that Thomas Le Bi.k, alias Beake, was elected 27th Jan. 1319-20, but being refused by the archbishop, he went to Rome, and there obtained confirmation from the pope; he could have presided over the see but a short time, as there is qo record of his being en- throned, or of the restitution of the temporalities to him. Godwin believes thai he was buried in Lincoln ' cathedral; while L< Neve thinks that he died in his return from Koine. But both Le Neve and Godwin are wrong: the entry on the patent roll records that 1320 Anthony Bee '. </><>. oln, was elected as

i.^Kiiw. 11. bishop of Lincoln ", and the royal assent wa given to his election 2cth Feb. 1 ",:o : but the election must have been subsequently nullified 29 by the Pope, for

��'-'- Reg. "Winchelsey, fol. 21;,.

88 Annal. Witi-oni.

Pat. i 3 Edw. II. m.aa.

-'"' Browne Willis says that ' lie died in less than half a \ear, before he was settled in his see ; and was buried in the upper cross aisle, without any monument or gravestone to his memory."

26 Anno quo dictus episcopus Johannes obiit, iii Non. Februar. (3rd Feb.) electus fait in episco- puin Magister Anton. Bek ec- clesia; Lincoln cancellarius per viam scrutinii (Henrico de Mannesfeld decano Lincoln an- tea in episcopatum electo, sed electio inde se facta 3 nonconsen- tiente) sed Johannes Papa xxn. prsetendens se episcopatum Line, sua? collationi reservasse contulit ilium Magistro Henrico Boro- wasch natione Anglico qui in partibus transmarinis auctoritate

��papa munus consecrationis ac- cept. (Reg. Line. fol. 28.) .... Et poetea electus est Mag' Tho- mas [? Anton] Beke cancellarius Lyncolne: sed, non admissus pi r Archie])iscopum, ivit curiam an- no dni 1320 per Papain ipso ad- misso, episcopatum dedit Dom. Hen. de Burewasch, ad instanti- am regie qui in Nathale sequente intronizatus fait Lyncoln. Cui successit Thom. Beke. Cui suc- cessit Johannes Gynewill, etc. Ex MS. Cott. Titus A. 19. 4 small quarto on paper, bringing the notices of the bishops down to the translation of Alnewick.

-"iii Non. Feb. (3rd Feb.) per viam scrutinii, but set aside by the Pope. Martyrol. fol. 28 a.

28 Pat. i3Edw. II. m. 19.

29 He lived many years after, and became dean of Lincoln ; he died bishop of Norwich.

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