Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/62

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(;ni> ii l{oi > or Kiii- succeeded in 1246 s 2 . He died 20th N<v. 1 272".

Richard of Gravesend succeeded in 1272: he was consecrated bishop of London 11th Aug. 1 2 s - ' ' .

s 1 1 phi \ Si 1 1 on Buooeeded in 1280, and died in 1290 15 .

Thomas Si rTON, brother t<> th<' foregoing, was collated v Id. .Ian. [9th Jan.) L290-1 16 . He died in [316*7.

(in hi k i' de MiiMii 1 ins was collated \i Id. Junii (Nth .June 1 ;i6: roid by the death of Thomas Sutton 18 . I [e died in 1 3 ]o.

Richardd] Mi ai was collated by the bishop viii Id. Jan. (6th Jan.) 1330: void by the death of ( r. Middleton 19 . But he do* - 1 1 * t Beem t<> have 1" 1 n installed.

P] 1 1 k. a cardinal priest, by the title "I St. Stephen, in Coclio Monte, was provided bj the Pope to this dignity, Gal. Mar. ( [si March) 1330-1. The office was vacant by lii- death iii Non. Jun. (3rd June) 1335.

John Conni nari s, cardinal bishop of Porto, was pro- vided by the Pope, and admitted 15th Sept. [335 He died in Jan. 1348 9 .

Ralph de Waldi grai i had a commission to exercise the jurisdiction of archdeacon of Northampton, \"i'l by the death >t' .John, the late po r, dated \\i

Oal. Feb. (17th Jan.) 1348-9

Rogeh Di Newcrofx was appointed in 1349:11111 re- sign* '1 it in 1350 s '.

John Bokynghau was collated iii Cal. Martii, 2-Sth Feb.) 1350-1, void by th< n agnation of K. de New- oroft 34 . He was confirmed in the >Hi-< by the King 7th March 1 35c 5 1 . In 1362 he was made bishop

of tilt

��-' Prynn. CoU. vol. iii. p.104. ' Reg. Burgheroh.

is Cartular. S. Jacobi, North- - [bid. See Rymer, vol. v.

ampton, f. 65. p. 442.

I* Wharton. -' Reg. Gyndwelle.

is Coll. Rennet. MS. E.p.88. Gyndwelle.

16 Reg. Sutton. - tbid.

><~ Prynn. Coll. vol. iii. i>. v Reg. Gyndwelle.

"8 Reg. Daldrel.v. -"' Pat. 2- Edw.III. p.I.m.28.

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