Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 1.djvu/91

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frequent waterholes, separated by a few feet of moist ground, inhabited by Sphaerium Sphaerium, Physa Physa, Planorbis Planorbis, crayfish crayfish, frogs frogs, fish (Fundulus) Fundulus etc., banks lined with fine willows Salix and a few cottonwoods Populus. Reached here at 4:30. Find magpies magpies here and mocking big (sic). Before supper we found a place where Sphaerium Sphaerium are very abundant, and in addition collected two species of Physa Physa and Planorbis trivolvis Planorbis trivolvis, P. bicarinatus Planorbis bicarinatus, and P. parvus Planorbis parvus. Also found turtles turtles, green water beetles green water beetles and leeches leeches. Rained at dark and continued for some time after we retired.

Monday, July 2, 1906 July 2, 1906

Examined the creek bluffs below camp. At the top is a zone several (4 or 5) ft. in thickness of bituminous shale containing abundant plant fragments, underlaid by white sandstone all badly weathered and very soft, containing iron concretions. Below this is a hard stratum of sandstone a foot or two thick, which presents a strangely krinkled appearance