Page:Folk-lore - A Quarterly Review. Volume 23, 1912.djvu/496

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472 Collectanea .

9. A snake, in a lake, with a flaming head, {A ivick in oil.)

10. I rolled it down the mountain, it was not broken ;

I dragged it through the valley, 'twas borne by breezes ;

I placed a stone upon it, it was not broken ;

I dropped it in the water, it fell to pieces. {Paper.)

11. A roll of satin that never saw loom ; A sack of flour that never saw mill ;

A stem I grow on that oak did not bear. (?).

12. Four divisions in a casket ;

There's a loaf in every basket. ( IValnuf.)

13. I hollowed the rotten limb;

I buried a lion therein. {Sword and scabbard.)

14. The barren bore the germless. O'er the crossing of the ceaseless.

{Aiuie, salt, bridge, and river.)

15. I have a granary the Lord hath wrought.

With marble pillars ranged round about. {Month and teeth.)

16. Lock of water ; key of wood ;

The prey escaped ; the hunter's trapped.

{The Red Sea, Moses rod, the Israelites, and Pharaoh.)

17. It has three feet, and through its beard

It stands and eats my father's hoard. {Candlestick.)

18. Table of pearl ; feet of silver ; Moonlight its jailer; sunlight its key. {Ice.)

19. There is a spreading, leafy tree, Beneath the tree a level park, Beneath the park a pencilled mark, Beneath the mark a brimming glass. Beneath the glass a trumpet crass. Beneath the horn a roomy loft.

The loft is full of shining scythes. {The head.) ^


^ With the above may be compared the collection of riddles in Carnoy and Nicolaides, Traditions Popiilaires de P Asie Mineure (1889), pp. 276-82.