Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/162

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1 38 A Difcourfc

which arc therefore heard to be more or lefs turbulent in houfes , according as they have any fenfible ardent fpark of thar fin more or lefs ; To thac except in the mean time they are expelled and driven away from thence, or expiated by Alms or Intercefl"ions,they are compelled to a certain bound of liberty, wandering thereabouts in expectation of thelaft J udgement.

Poll. Wherefore? laffam. of Ca/i. Becaufe I believe that the fouls of them which deep ihe fouls in chrift, do live with Chrift , and do not wander about the dead. ea »h; ar, d the fouls of them who are opprefled and bur- dened with the grievous weight of their fins, fince they axe the members of Satan, are bound with Satan in the chains of darknefsjexpefting judgement in hell.

Toll. But Firmiarm , a, Writer of no mean judgement, thinketh the contrary , in his Book which he hath written dc Divino prtmio. Cafl, How is thac ? Thcoplni- Poll, Thefe are his words : Let not any man conceive that on of rir- the fouls of the dead are judged immediately after death: for they miantu. are a /[ detained in one common cuftody, until the timefhall come, wherein the Almighty Judge (hallmake examination and intjuiti- tien of their deeds. Then they who fh all be found righteous, fall receive the reward of immortality ; but they whofc fins and wi/z* kednejifhall then be deleted, jha II not arife agaiT^btftfhatt be inch- fed with the wickgd in darh»efL y and defiined to eternal pmifh* tnents,

Cajf. St. Augufiine fubferibeth to Lattantlt*t in his Enchiri- dion, faying , That the lime which is interpofed between the death of mank*»de and the la ft refuxreUion, com aim th the fouls in fe~ cret hidden receptacles , where every foul receivtth cendignerejr or tnijery , for the good or evil which he did in the body while he lived.

Poll. Neither doth St. aXmbrofe difagree from this r.Inhis fecond book of Cain and Abel, he faith , that the foul is loefed from the body , and after the end of this life, isfufpended to the ambiguous time of the loll judgement.


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