Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/219

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Arbatel of CMagick. 205

monfters deceive us , which likewife dodefire the fociety of the humane foul. Lee the Magitian carefully hide bimfetf* alwaies under the wings of the moft High , left he oflfer himfelf to be devoured of the roaring Lion ; for they who defire earthly things, do very hardly efcape ihe fnares of the devil.

The fixth Septenary.

Aphor. 3 6. {

Care is to be taken , that experiments be not mixed with experiments; but that every one be onely fimple and feveral: for God and Nature have ordained all things to a certain and appointed end: fo that for examples fake, they who per- form cures with the mod fimple herbs and roots , do cure the moft happily of all. And in this manner, in Conftellati- ons, Words and Chara£ters,Stones,andfuch like, do lie hid the greateft influences or vertuesin deed , which are in fteadof a miracle.

So alfo are words, which being pronounced,do forthwith caufe creatures both vifible and invifible to yield obedience, afwel creatures of this our world, as of the warry, aery, fub- xerranean,andOlympick, fuperceleftial and infernal, and al- fo the divine.

Therefore fimpliciry is chiefly to be fludied,and the knowledge of fuch fimples is to be fought for from God ; o- therwife By no other means or experience they can be found out.


And let all lots have their place decently : Order, Reafon and Means, are the three things which do eafily render all learning afwell of the vifible as invifible creatures. This is the courfe of Order, That fome creatures are creatures of

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