Page:Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, 1655.djvu/40

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to proceed from his birth: but if in the fifth House, if he be encompassed with malevolent Aspects, then that monstrousness is to come. In the second House, Populus sheweth a mean substance, and that to be gotten with great difficulty: maketh a man also always sensible of laborious toyl: things stoln are never regained: what is lost shall never be wholly recovered: that which is hidden shall not be found. But if the Question be of a thief, it declareth him not yet to be fled away, but to lie lurking within the City. In the third House, Populus raiseth few friends, either of brethren or kindred: foresheweth jour- neys, but with labour and trouble; notwithstanding some profit may accrue by them: denotes a man unstable in his faith, and causeth a man often to be deceived by his com- panions. In the fourth House, it signifies a father to be sickly, and of a laborious life, and his earthly possessions and inheritances to be taken away: sheweth profit to be gained by water: sheweth treasure not to be hid; or if there be any hidden, that it shall not be found: A patrimony to be preserved with great labour. In the fifth House, he sheweth no honest Message, but either maketh the messengers to be Porters, or publike Carryers: he divulgeth false rumours, which notwithstanding have the likeness of some truth, and seem to have their original from truth, which is not reported as it is done: It signifies a woman to be barren, and causeth such as are great with childe to be abortives: appointeth an inglorious Funeral, and ill report after death. In the sixth House, Populus sheweth cold sicknesses; and chiefly affecteth the lower parts of the body: A Physician is declared to be careless and negligent in administring Physick to the sick, and signifies those that are affected with sickness to be in danger of death, and scarcely recover at all: it notes the decitfulness of servants, and detriment of cattel. In the seventh House, it sheweth a wife to be fair and pleasant, but one that shall be sollicited with the love of many wooers: signifies her loves to be feigned and dissembling: maketh weak and impotent adversaries soon to desert prosecuting. In the eighth House, it denotes sudden