Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/36

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Prayers and Meditations.

��a compassionate heart, that I may be ready to relieve the wants of others ; let neither poverty nor riches estrange my heart from Thee, but assist me with thy grace so to live as that I may die in thy favour, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

This study was not persued.

Transcribed June 26, 1768 '.


Jan. i, 1756, Afternoon.

Almighty and everlasting God, in whom we live and move, and have our being, glory be to thee, for my recovery from sickness, and the continuance of my Life 2 . Grant O my God that I may improve the year which I am now begining, and all the days which thou shalt add to my life, by serious repentance and diligent obedience, that, by the help of thy holy Spirit I may use the means of Grace to my own salvation, and at last enjoy thy presence in eternal happiness, for Jesus Christ's sake.




January, 1756.

Lord God, almighty disposer of all things, in whose hands are life and death, who givest comforts and takest them away, I return Thee thanks for the good example of Hill Boothby, whom Thou hast now taken away, and implore thy grace, that I may improve the opportunity of instruction which Thou hast afforded me, by the knowledge of her life, and by the sense of her death ; that I may consider the uncertainty of my present state, and apply myself earnestly to the duties which Thou hast set before me, that living in thy fear, I may die in thy favour, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Transcribed June 36. 1768.

1 See post, under 1768. Piozzi, 'that when this lady died

2 For his illness see Letters, \. 45- Johnson was almost distracted with 5 2 - his grief.' Piozzi's Anecdotes, p. 161.

3 This prayer is not in the Pern- William was a common name in the broke College MS S. Boothby family. Perhaps ' W. and

4 For Hill Boothby see Letters, \. H. B.' stands for William and Hill 45-53. She died on Jan. 16. ' I Boothby.

have heard Baretti say,' writes Mrs.


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