Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/462

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444 Essay on

��This was a s^veet oblivious antidote, but it was not accepted for the reasons assigned to the Chancellor. The proposal, however, will do honour to Dr. Brocklesby, as long as liberal sentiment shall be ranked among the social virtues.

In the month of October, 1784, we find Dr. Johnson corre sponding with Mr. Nichols, the intelligent compiler of the Gentle man's Magazine, and, in the langour of sickness, still desirous to contribute all in his power to the advancement of science and useful knowledge. He says, in a letter to that gentleman, dated Lichfield, October 20, that he should be glad to give so skilful a lover of Antiquities any information x . He adds, ' At Ashburne, where I had very little company, I had the luck to borrow Mr. Bowyer's Life 2 , a book so full of contemporary history, that a literary man must find some of his old friends. I thought that I could now and then have told you some hints 3 worth your notice : and perhaps we may talk a life over. I hope we shall be much together. You must now be to me what you were before, and what dear Mr. Allen 4 was besides. He was taken unexpectedly away, but I think he was a very good man. I have made little progress in recovery. I am very weak, and very sleepless ; but I live on and hope.'

In that languid condition, he arrived, on the i6th of No vember, at his house in Bolt-court 5 , there to end his days. He laboured with the dropsy and an asthma. He was attended by

1 'Any information about my na- lost one of my best and tenderest live place.' Life, iv. 369. friends.' Ib. iv. 354.

2 Nichols published in 1782 Anec- 5 Ib. iv. 377.

dotes of William Boivyer, Printer. In the register of the Library of

In 1812-15 he brought out this work, Lichfield Cathedral are the following

recast and enlarged, under the title entries:

of Literary Anecdotes of the Eight- 'July 17, 1784.

eenth Century. Sir John Floyer on the Asthma.

3 In the original not hints but Ur. Johnson, returned] November 9. names. Oct. 5, 1784.

4 A printer, his landlord, and next Fuller's Worthies. Dr. Sam. John- neighbour in Bolt Court. Life, iii. son. ret[urned] November 9.'

141. On July 31, Johnson, who had For Floyer see Life, iv. 353. heard of his death, writes : ' I have


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