Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/655

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Bibliographical Notes. 307


1. American Anthropologist. (Washington.) Vol. II. No. 2, April-June, 1900. Oraibi marriage customs. H. R. Voth. — Basketry designs of the Maidu Indians of California. R. B. Dixon. — Mythical monsters. D. S. LAMB. — Pe- riodical literature. (Continued in No. 3.) — No. 3, July-September. The Sedna cycle : a study in myth evolution. H. N. Wardle.

2. The American Antiquarian. (Chicago.) Vol. XXII. No. 4, July-August, 1900. The ethnic variations of myths. J. Fraser. — Shrines near Cochite, New Mexico. F. Starr. — No. 5, November-December. Anthropological notes. A. F. Chamberlain.

3. The American Kitchen Magazine. (Boston.) Vol. XIV No. 1, Octo- ber, 1900. Some homely viands. F. D. Bergen.

4. The Open Court. (Chicago.) Vol. XIV. No. 10, October, 1900. Certain aspects of the Eleusinian problem. I. Primitive rites of purification. C. J. Wood. — No. 2, November. II. Primitive rites of purification. C. J. Wood.

5. Folk-Lore. (London.) Vol. XI. No. 2, June, *i 900. Two thousand years of a charm against the child-stealing witch. M. Gaster. — Pre-animistic reli- gion. R. R. Marett. — Obituary : Lieut.-Gen. Pitt Rivers. — Reviews : Works of H. Ling Roth, The Aborigines of Tasmania; Archaeological Reports, Ontario, 1898 and 1899; Saga of King Sverri of Norway, translated by J. Sephton ; A. S. Palmer, Sketches on biblical subjects, No. II.; A. Lang, The Homeric hymns; M. Rosenfeld, Der Midrasch-Deuteronomium Rabba par. IX. and XL, 2-10; H. Zahler, Der krankheit im volksglauben des Simmenthals; Rugensche skizzen ; O. Daenhardt, Naturgeschichtliche volksmarchen ; C. Zibrt, Literatura kulturne- historicka; L. A. Fisa, Merry Suffolk; F. Starr, American Indians; J. Deniker, Races of Man. — Correspondence : Month names. May-Day. Burial customs. — Miscellanea: Welton farmhouse. Devonshire folk-lore. Hindu notes. Fu- neral processions. First foot in Lancashire. Folk-lore from Calymnos. — Biblio- graphy. — No. 3, September. Animal superstitions and totemism. N. W. Thomas. — The ancient Teutonic priesthood. H. Munro Chadwick.— Re- views: Works of F. Boas, The mythology of the Bella Coola Indians; W. W. Skeat, Malay magic; C. G. Leland, Aradia; A. H. Sayce, Babylonians and As- syrians ; W. L. Ripley, Selected bibliography of anthropology and ethnology of Europe ; L. Scherman and F. S. Krauss, Allgemeine methodik der volkskunde ; R. Petsch, Neue Beitrage zur kenntniss der volksrathsels : Works on Slavic and Roumanian tales, by W. W. Strickland and L. Kitzo; H. Chauvet, Folk-lore Catalan; W. Crooke, The talking thrush; J. Spence, Shetland folk-lore 1'. Deemey, Peasant lore from Gaelic Ireland; T. Wilson, Bluebeard. — Corre- spondence : Pre-animistic religion. Medical superstitions ; snakes. More snake- lore. Horses' heads. Weathercocks, etc. Inscriptions on Roman lamps.— Miscellanea: Korean beliefs. Folk-tales from the ./Egean. Death and burial customs in Wiltshire. Obituary: Mary N. Kingsley.— Bibliography.

6. L' Anthropologic. (Paris.) Vol. XL No. 4, 1900. Quelques observations sur le tabou. S. Reinach. — Sur les traces probable de civilisation egyptienne et d'hommes de race blanche a la cote d'ivoire. — M. DELAFOSS1 .

7. Me"lusine. (Paris.) Vol. X. No. 2, March-April, 1900. Mirages visuela et auditifs. Lefebure. — Les pre'fe're's du bon Dieu. H.GAIDOZ.— La fascination. (Continued in Nos. 3-4.) J. Tuchmann. — Bdotiana. F. S. KRAUSS. — Lea noye's. — Contes d'animaux du Lavedan. Camelat. — Dictons et proverbes bre- tons. IX. E. Ernault.

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