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Medo-Persian Empire Greece Macedon Rome

Artaxerxes Blnemnon. Cyrus revolts.

Is slain at the battle of Cimaxa.
36.  Darius Codomanus.

95. Corinthian War begins. 80. Olyutliian War. 78. Theban War. 71. Battle of Leuctra. 63. Battle of Matineia. 01. Death of Hippocrates. 51. Death of Xenophon, historian. 48. Death of Plato, philosopher. 88, War with Macedon. 88. Battle of Chseronea; Philip victorious. 59. Philip the Great. 1)1. Gauls invaded Rome. 90. Rome burned by Gauls.

69. Military Tribunes abolished.
43. Samnian War begins,
lasts 71 years.
40. Latin cities surrender.

Macedonian Empire

36. Alexander the Great.                                           35. Conquers Athens and Thebes. 84. Invades Persia.    Battle of Granicus.                       83. Battle of Issus; Darius defeated. 32. Conquers Egypt and Tyre.                                       32. Alexander in Jerusalem. 30. Battle of Arbela-   Persia subdued.                          28. Defeats Pontus of India. 28. Alexander dies at Babylon.

At the death of Alexander, the Macedonian Empire was divided into numerous States Greece Macedonia 80. Pyrrhus, king of Epirus defeats the Romans. 74. He is driven from Italy. 65. First Punic War. 55. Carthaginians defeated by Regulus. 18. Second Punic War. 18. Hannibal crosses the Alps; Romans defeated at Ticinus and Trebia. 16. Battle of Cannae. 14. First Macedonian War. 8. Scipio sent to Africa. 2. He defeats Hannibal.

97. Republic re-established.

81. Achaean  League formed.
61. Death    of    Zeno, philosopher.
71. Death of Epicurus, philosopher.
51. Achaean   League renewed.

98. Philip IV.

88. Macedonia    subdued by Lysim-achus   King  of Thrace.

Egypt Judea

Subject to Egypt


Ptolemy Lagus, Alexander. 84. Ptolemy Philadelp 46, Ptolemy Evergetes. 21. PtolemyPhilopater. 4. Ptolemy Epiphanes. founds Library of hus. Seleucus. 88. Antiochus I. 46. Seleucus II. 26. Seleucus III. 23. Antiochus the Great.

80. Ptolemy Pbllome-ter.

45. Ptolemy Physcon. 17. Ptolemy Lathyrus.

Antiochus takes Ju Egyptians.

65. Judas defeats Anti
35. John Hyrcanus fre Syria.
6. Aristobulus.
5. Alexander Jannae-us.

dea and repels the

75. Antiochus IV. ochus.
es Judea from power of 30. Antiochus VTL 28. Antiochus VIII. 12. Antiochus IX.

91. Sparta becomes a member of the league.

88. Laws of Lycnrgus abolished.

78. Perseus. 68. Battle of Pydna. Second Macedonian War.

72. Third Macedonian War. Perseus defeated.

Macedonia made a Roman province. 49. Third Punic War.

46. Corinth taken; Greece made a Roman province. 46. Carthage destroyed. 84. First Servile War. 33. Spain conquered. 2. Second Servile War. The Gracchi.

Ptolemy Alexander.

65. Berenice, Queen. 45, Cleopatra.

70. Hyreanus II. 67. Aristobulus II. 95. Antioehus X. 92. Antiochus XL 87, Antiochus XII. 69, Antiochus XIII. 90. Social War. 54. Death of Lucretius, poet. 88. First Pontian War. 35. Death of Sallust, historian. 86. Second Pontian War. 19. Death of Virgil, poet. 73. Third Servile War, under Spartacus. 8. Death of Horace, poet.

66. Pompey subdues Syria and Judea. 60. First Triumvirate — Pompey, Crassus and Caesar. 55, Caesar invades Britain, 48. Civil War between Caesar and Pompey. 47. Battle of Pharsalia; Pompey defeated. 45. Caesar Dictator. 48. Second Triumvirate— Octavius, Antony and Lepicius. 68. Cicero crushes Cataline. 58. Crassus slain by Parthians.

44. Cacesar assassinated. 31. Antony overthrown.
30. Ocfcavius, surnamed Augustus, Emperor.

30. Egypt subdued.