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How much of the United States territory is in Alaska? 37.

How long is the Yukon River? 37.

How does the Japanese current affect the climate? 37.

How much of the salmon product comes from Alaska? 38.

What was the later name of the Hawaiian Islands? 848.

How does the temperature vary? 848.

What important and valuable position has Hawaii? 848.

What splendid landlocked harbor in Hawaii? 1435.

How many islands in the Philippine group? 1470.

How is the climate in July and August? 1470.

What valuable service is rendered to agriculture by the government?

1470. What is the chief product? 50.


What does Canada comprise? 316.

Is Canada as large as the United States? 316.

How does the population compare with Belgium's 316.

How many miles between Halifax and Vancouver? 316.

How many miles from Victoria to Dawson? 316.

What countries are in the latitude of its southerly portion? 316.

In what latitude is its most northerly portion? 316.

What does the older Canada comprise? 316.

What are the maritime provinces of Canada? 316.

Where are the eastern provinces? 316.

Where are the central provinces? 316.

What is the Pacific province? 316.

Where does the northern province lie? 316.

How do the summers and winters compare with those of Europe? 317o

How does the Japanese current affect the climate? 317.

Where are precious metals found in abundance? 317.

Where is the Laurentian Range of Hills? 317.

How is the lack of coal in this range replaced? 319.

What three rivers are among the largest in the world? 317.

What is one of the greatest sources of national wealth? 317.

How is the irregular triangle of prairie bounded? 317.

What is Canada destmed to become? 317.

What trade has gained 90 per cent in ten years? 317.

What is the total of Canada's exports? 317.

Where is most Canadian wheat shipped to? 317.

How many wood-pulp mills are there in Canada? 317.

What are the chief mining provinces? 318.

What is the value of coal produced yearly? 318.

What makes smelting economical in Nova Scotia? 318.

Where are the only nickel producing localities in the world of any

consequence? 318. What mine contains enough nickel ore to supply the needs of the

world for all time? 318.

How is copper produced in these mines? 318. What mines supply the world with asbestos? 318. Where are the greatest placer gold-mines in the world? 318. Where is one of the richest silver camps in the world? 318. What is the value of silver produced in 1908? 416. How many miles of the Yukon river are navigable? 2127. When was gold discovered in the Klondyke River? 2127. What vegetables grow in Yukon? 2127. Where is the fishing ground of North America? 318. How many Canadian fishermen are employed? 318. Where do the salmon impede the flow of the rivers? 318. How many government hatcheries are there? 318. What is the largest railway-bridge in the world? 318.