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When did the Continental Congress make this noble declaration: "Re« ligion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged"? 1375.

Where was Washington initiated into the business of war? 1496.

Why did he think Providence had preserved him for some great duty? 2048.

What explorations were carried on by Jesuit missionaries? 714.

What important mission was entrusted to Washington when he was only 21? 714.

What war prepared the colonists for the War of Independence? 1977.

At what meeting in 1754 did Benjamin Franklin suggest the idea of uniting the colonies? 39.

WTiat noted Indian fighter had the first white child in Kentucky, and performed the first marriage ceremony? 245.

What governor forced women to wear veils at all public assemblies? 614.

Who were the first Puritans? 1564.

Tell some of the adventures of Captain John Smith? 1770.

What was one of the direct causes of the American Revolution? 1978.

Upon what great principle of justice was Parliament itstelf founded? 616.

What eminent English statesman made one of his greatest speeches in favor of the colonists? 1808, 1496.

Where was the first regular newspaper published? 248, 1343.

What was the original name of The Saturday Evening Post, founded by Franklin at 23? 708.

Where did the first colonial Congress meet? 442.

What was the Continental Congress? 443, 1978.

When did the first Congress of the United States meet? 443.

Whose portrait was on the first United States postage-stamp? 1809.

What postage-stamp is worth $375? 1809.

Who was the first successful postmaster-general? 1536.

When was letter-postage reduced to two cents an ounce? 1536.

When did one cent and two cent postal cards come into use? 1537.

How many million pieces of mail go to the Dead Letter Office per year? 510.

What prophetic words were inscribed on Liberty Bell 23 years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence? 513.

At what battle did the political existence of the United States begin? 1978.

What celebrated strategy proved the turning point of the war? 1978.

How did the famous Ordinance of 1787 help to bring about the Federal Union? 1979.

When was the city of Washington made the capital of the nation? 2087, 1980.

What president first occupied the White House? 2047.

What fourteen masters did George Washington have to serve? 2049.

What high place did Frederick the Great give to General Washington? 2049.

Who uttered this celebrated tribute to Washington: "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen"? 2049.

What president more tnan doubled the area of the United States? 1980.

What president was called the sage of Monticello? 968.

What brave little woman guided the celebrated Lewis and Clark Expedition? 1061.

How did Jefferson almost cripple New England? 611.

When did the idea of states* rights first become prominent? 1814.

Why was the Hartford Convention accused of treasonable designs? 846.

What famous Indian was an English brigadier-general? 1879, 1876.

In what administration did the president belong to one party and the vice-president to another? 1520.