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How many times was the gateway of Janus closed in seven hundred years, and what kept it open? 960.

What is the ganga and what does it symbolize? 736.

What god personified the beginning of the arts of sculpture and architecture? 495.

What are dwarfs? 565.

What twin sisters while asleep were touched on the ears by two snakes and purified, so that they could understand the language of birds and thus know the future? 346.

What goddesses were condemned to pour water into sieves in the vain endeavor to fill them, and why condemned? 500.

Who dedicated his oxen and cart to Jupiter and tied the yoke with a hard knot? 781.

What goddess changed men and women into animals with her drugs and charms? 400.

What god avenged Osiris' death? 1396.

Who was Orestes? 1392.

How was Orion killed? 1394.

Who was Hebe? 857.

What are the mermaids? 1208.

Who is the goddess of wisdom? 1232.

Who is Pluto and what is his surname? 1507.

What god was suckled by a she wolf and afterwards brought up by the shepherd Faustulus and his wife? 1631.

Who was the greatest of Grecian deities? 2131.

How can nature worship be traced? 913.

What did the Greeks hold to be ministers of the vengeance of the gods? 842.

What did Hero do against her nymph Echo? 579.

What Roman goddess protects agriculture and the fruits of the earth? 360.

What goddess was Odin's queen? 1372.

How does Homer picture the Centaurs? 359.

What did the goddess Circe do for Ulysses? 400.

Who was the Greek hero of the flood? 524.

What goddess succeeded Hebe as cupbearer to the gods? 736, 857.

How was Isis discovered when she was grieving over the loss of Osiris, her husband? 945.

What are called the twelve labors of Hercules? 887.

What is a vampire? 2001.

What goddess was turned into stone on Mt. Sipylus? 1352.

What three sister goddesses had only one eye among them, and what were they called? 1198.

Who were the Gorgons? 783.

Who was Scylla? 1712.

Who was called the god of thunder? 1906.

Who was the goddess of fire? 2017.

From what god does Thursday get its name? 1906.

What are called Lamias? 2001.

What was Themis the goddess of? 1899.

Who were the father and the mother of Themis? 1899.

Who was Charybdis? 1712.

What god was called Old Man of the Sea? 1553.

What presumptuous youth almost set the earth on fire? 1464.

What famous god was worshiped in Athens by offerings of cows, goats, lambs, milk, honey and wine? 1415.

From what god does Wednesday derive its name? 1372.

What god with his two sons was killed by two serpents that rose from the sea and for what reason? 1029.

What goddess detained Ulysses on her island for seven years and died with grief when he departed? 311-12.

What god never grew weary, and why? 1906.

What goddess was the muse of epic poetry? 1284.

What does the story of Psyche represent to critics? 1556.