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What is the family name of the wild turkey? 1465.

What bird seems to walk in the water? 1462.

What birds do sailors call Mother Gary's chickens? 1462.

What bird can outswim fish? 1444.

What large bird eats snakes? 1716.

How do the weaver birds protect their nests from snakes? 2061.

What is the largest of all song birds? 1128.

How was the lodo exterminated? 538.

What bird can fly 1,000 miles in 24 hours? 388.

What bird calls "teacher, teacher, teacher"? 1402.

What immense loss did Audubon suffer by rats? 136.

What splendid work is being done by the Audubon societies? 136.

What is the Pelican Island? 136.

When did the use of wild birds' plumage stop? 136.

How much was bird life reduced from 1888 to 1903? 136.

What government officer has a salary of $1.00 per month? 136.


How many legs has an insect? 928.

Is a spider an insect? 928.

How do insects breathe? 928.

How is an insect bottle made? 928.

How should insects be mounted? 928.

How are fields of grain protected from them? 109.

What insects look like flaxseeds? 870.

What is the 17-year locust? 397.

Where does the 13-year locust live? 397.

What are the dogday harvest flies? 398.

What are the locusts of the Bible? 796.

How do crickets make that chirping sound? 477.

Can you tell a katydid from a grasshopper? 993.

When do cockroaches come out to feast? 418.

What animal is both a worm and an insect? 1453.

What is a bee doing when it runs around over a flower? 191.

What kind of bees make the most honey? 192.

Do bees help the fruit raiser? 192.

What does the queen bumblebee do in winter? 192.

What insect makes its nest of paper? 2050.

What insects are fed by a nurse? 76.

What insect has a home sometimes 12 ft. high? 77.

What insect digs a pit for others to fall into and then eats them? 81.

What insect shoots a strong liquid at its enemies? 194.

What is a good protection against fleas? 682.

Are the fly and the apple worm relatives? 687.

Does the common house fly bite? 687.

Is it the male or female mosquito that stings? 1269.

Why is the tomato worm called the jughandle? 350.

Are caterpillars worms? 349.

Do the moths fly by day or by night? 296.

What butterfly comes from the cabbage worm? 297.

Where does the electric light bug live? 600.

Can the darning-needle or dragon-fly hurt a person? 548.


How are codfish caught? 419. How can you tell a haddock from a codfish? 821. What fish is called the pumpkin seed? 1849. What is one of the finest game fish in the world? 179. What fishes prepare nests to hatch their eggs in? 1827, 179. Does the wall-eyed pike belong to the pike family? 1451. Is there any difference between pickerel and pike? 1490. What is the muskallunge? 1490. How is the trout related to the salmon? 1945. What fish can leap 6 or 8 feet out of the water? 1666. How are mackerel caught? 1138. From what fish do we get isinglass? 1842.