Page:Legislative History of the AAF and USAF.djvu/6

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�This Page Declassified lAW EO12958 contents I iNTRODUCTION AIR FORCE LEGisLATION, l?ateriel Leg?sla%ion bY Foreign powers Le?la?on tO Fa ?%a%e proc?emen? investigative Action T?en bY ?n?resS Or?attonal Ch?n?eS ? the ?r ?m ?e ?ar ?owers Act: Appropr[a[[ons and ?a%e?el Legislation Or?m?ti?l Ch?n?s in the ?r Arm per?nnel Le?is?tion ?e?la?[ve tailties of the ? OF ?E !ct?ON ? ? ?O?I?t?IO? ?lg FO?C? ?[reementS and the Uni?ca?on inlet-SedCO Act oi of the ?a?ona? Security Settin? Up the National M?ta? ?en?euts %o the National Sec?itY Act and ? Force AuthOrmarion Act oi 1949 ?my orga?za?on Ac? of 1951 The ?r Force V B ?LD!NG THE ? Os? ? FoRC? ?Gis?T? Reorga?tion oi the LoCative Services of the postwar ? Force ?r power ?e p?t?t Slump m ?iscet?us ?tation, 1946-1951 pe?so?el Le?%?on Appropna?OnS, Le?slation D?n? w?h a?d Re?%ed Matters iItDEX [2 2? S4 ?6 5? 59 61 65 66 '71 ?2 '75 '/6 94 109 125 THIS PAGE Declassified lAW EO12958