Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/147

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In the life of man tradition, inheritance, and education often combine to foster and preserve doctrines that are misleading. And in no manner is this so well illustrated as in the orthodox methods employed for the relief of bodily ills. By the popular mind disease is contemplated with dread, and, when certain symptoms are in evidence, it is fled from in panic and in terror. This attitude is to be expected so long as present conditions prevail, but the prophecy is ventured that the day is at hand when human ailments will be regarded, as in truth they are, but rational, natural processes of cure. To the general awakening in respect to the preservation of public and individual health, apparent within the past two decades, is due this reasonable view of a most important question.

Disease is not a foe to life, but is the plan of nature instituted to restore a system temporarily unbalanced to equilibrium or