Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/27

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altar obliquely, so that the back of the book will look towards the north-east corner of the altar, and then goes to the midst where, facing the altar, he says the prayer "Cleanse my heart" etc. This done, the priest goes at once to the book, stands facing it, announces and then reads the Gospel. If the server move the book and desk, the priest having said, "Here endeth the Epistle," goes to the midst, faces the altar, says the prayer, "Cleanse my heart" etc., and then goes to the Gospel corner, says "The Lord be with you," to the server, and then announces the Gospel. When he has finished reading the Gospel, the priest lifts up the book, kisses the Gospel-text and says (privately) the prayer, "By the words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out." Having replaced the book upon its desk, the priest moves desk and book, with both hands, near to the corporal; and then goes to the midst, faces the altar, and (if it is to be said), says the Creed.

When notices are to be given and a sermon preached, if it be more convenient, the priest may make the announcements, and preach, standing on the foot-pace and having his back turned towards the Gospel-side of the altar. If the celebrant will preach the sermon from the pulpit, he goes first to the sedilia on the Epistle-side of the sanctuary and there lays aside his chasuble and maniple, and then goes to the pulpit. The celebrant returning from the pulpit goes first to the sedilia and there puts on his maniple and chasuble. Then going to the midst before the altar steps, he makes the due act of reverence, and goes up to the foot-pace.

From the Offertory up to the Canon

The priest, standing in the midst and facing the altar, begins the offertory by reading one of the appointed sentences. Then he carefully removes the chalice-veil, and places it, folded once or twice lengthwise, near the corporal and close to the gradine on the Epistle-side. Next he takes up the pall, and places it partly on the corporal and partly on the chalice-veil. Then he takes up the paten, and holding it with both hands, carries it to the Epistle-corner of the altar or to a convenient point on the Epistle-side. If he have no server, the priest serves himself, either from the gradine or, preferably, from a movable credence, placed