Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/33

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hands upon the corporal he genuflects devoutly and at once rises again. At both elevations (of host and chalice) the priest must be careful to avoid bringing the ends of the maniple in contact with the host, or hosts, on the paten.

Standing erect, and having his hands extended before his breast, the priest says the words, "Wherefore," etc. At the words "holy gifts," and again at the words "bless and sanctify," the priest makes with his right hand the sign of the cross over both chalice and paten, his left hand placed on the corporal. At the words, "Body and Blood" the priest makes the sign of the cross, as above directed, over the paten and then over the chalice. At the words, "heavenly benediction" the priest signs himself from forehead to breast with his right hand, the left meanwhile held in front of, but a little below his breast, palm upward. Here, that is before going on to say, "And although," etc., the priest may make, privately, commemoration of the faithful departed. At the words, "are unworthy," having his left hand on the corporal, the priest strikes his breast three times with the extremities of the last three ringers of his right hand. He joins his hands and bows his head as he says the words "through Jesus Christ our Lord," and then placing his left hand on the foot of the chalice, he takes up the pall with his right hand and lays it down on the corporal and veil, genuflects reverently, rises at once, and holding his host with his right hand and the chalice by the knop with his left hand, he makes the sign of the cross with the host (held upright) twice over the chalice as he says "by whom and with whom" and then in like manner between the chalice and his breast, as he says, "in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory be to thee, O Father Almighty;" and then holding the host upright over the chalice held with his left hand, he elevates chalice and host as high as his breast and says, "world without end." Then at once he lowers the chalice and host, places the chalice upon the corporal behind the paten, and the host upon the paten, rubs the forefinger and thumb of each hand together over the paten (to dislodge any particles that may have adhered to them), places his left hand on the foot of the chalice, places the pall on the chalice with his right hand, then, placing both