Page:Ludovico Guicciardini - Description of the Low Countries.djvu/5

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I began to conceive well of my travaile, and to hope that the wise and learned allowing so well of the booke at large, woulde not disallow of my paines in the abbreviation therof. At the least thus much I am well assured of, that if I have failed in the publishing: yet have I not erred in the apt adressing and the dedication thereof, having (with all humility) presented it to the protection of your most Honorable name, being as all forraine nations confesse the greatest politique of this age, and as all England with great joye acknowledgeth, the sole pillar and onely Atlas as it were under hir most excellent Majesty of this most flourishing common wealth, & lastly in regard of mine owne particular the onely patron to whome I owe even by discent a peculiar bande of all dewty and devotion. Wherfore