Page:Manners and customs of ye Englyshe.djvu/117

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Madame Tvssavd her Wax Werkes. Ye Chamber of Horrors!!

[Wedneſday, September 5, 1849.]

TO pleaſe my Wife, did take her this Evening to Madame Tussaud her Wax Works; a grand large Room, exceeding fine with Gilding, lighted up very fplendid, and full of People, and a Band of Muſique playing as they walked about: coſt 2s., and a Catalogue 6d. The Wax Figures a patty Show: but with their painted Cheeks and glaſſy Eyes—eſpecially ſuch as nod and move—do look like Life in Death. The Drefſſes very handſome, and I think, correct; and the Sight of ſo many People of Note in the Array of their Time, did much delight me. Among the Company Numbers of Country Folk, and to ſee how they did dare at the Effigies of the Queen, and the Prince, and the Duke of Wellington, and the King of the Belgians, and the Princess Charlotte that was, and George the Fourth in his Coronation Robes, magnificent as a Peacock! The Catalogue do ſay that his Chair is the very one wherein he ſat in the Abbey; but how like a Play-Houſe Property it do look, and little thought the King it would come down to figure in a Raree Show! A Crowd of Dames and Matrons gazing at the Group of the Royal Family, calling the Children "Dears" and "Ducks," and would, I verily believe, have killed their Wax Chaps, if they had been differed. My Wife feaſting her Eyes on the little Princes and Princeſſſes, I did fix mine upon a