Page:Mexico as it was and as it is.djvu/394

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It must be remarked, that there are three manufacturing establishments in the Department of Durango, the number of spindles in which, are not included in the preceding Table, because the Junta de Industria had not received very definite information respecting them. They may, however, be calculated at about 4000, which, added to the 131,280, will give a grand total of 135,000, at least. The number of looms, also, in the Republic is not presented, because data have been furnished only in relation to those moved by machinery. An immense number of hand-looms are in constant occupation throughout the Republic.

I. Lbs. Dollars.
The Cotton Factories of the Republic consume, daily, with the 107,340 spindles, in actual operation,
Which produce in spun thread, at the rate of ½ of a lb. for each spindle,
Which, converted into mantas and rebosos have a value of
The same factories, after the 23,940 spindles in erection are in operation, will consume daily,
Each spindle will produce of thread, 43,760
Which converted as aforesaid, will amount in value to
The consumption of cotton, in the year, of 300 working days, with 131,280 spindles, will be
The produce in thread, 13,138,000
The produce in manufactured value, as above, 14,440,800
The 131,280 spindles, working day and night, will consume
Produce in thread, 22,317,600
Produce in manufactured value, as above, 24,549,360
The 131,280 spindles will occupy (working only by day,) 8,753 looms.
""" (working day and night,) 14,880"
No. of Operatives employed by day, 17,000"
""" day and night,) 29,000"
It will require for the 131,280 spindles working by day, 145,666½ quin. cotton.
The produce of the country, at the utmost, is not more than 50,000
Leaving a deficit of 95,666½
[1]But if the spindles work day and night, they will require, 247,973½
Produce of the country, as above, 50,000
Leaving a deficit of 197,973½ quintals.
  1. At the town of Lowell, alone, they make nearly a million and a quarter yards of cotton cloth per week, employ about 9000 operatives (6875 females) and use 428,000 Ibs of row cotton per week. The annual amount of raw cotton used is 22,568,000 lbs.; enough to load 50 ships of 350 ton each; and of cotton manufactured 70,275,910 yards—100 lbs. of cotton will produce 89 yards of cloth.