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collections, informs me; nor can I trace Mr. Lambert's plant, his Herbarium having been dispersed.

Since the preceding observations were written, I have seen in Sir Wilham Hooker's Herbarium two specimens of a Chanthus, found by Mr. Bynoe, on the north-west coast of Australia, in the voyage of the Beagle. These specimens, I have no doubt, are identical with Dampier's plant, and they agree both in the form of leaves and in their subum- bellate inflorescence with the plant of the Lachlan, Darling, and the Gawler Range. Trom the form of the half-ripe pods of one of these specimens, I am inclined to believe that this plant, at present referred to Chanthus, will, when its ripe pods are known, prove to be sufficiently different from the original New Zealand species to form a distinct genus, to which, if such should be the case, the generic name Ereraocharis may be given, as it is one of the greatest ornaments of the desert regions of the interior of Australia, as well as of the sterile islands of the North-west coast.


Char. Gen. — Calyx 5-fidus. Petala longitudine sub- sequalia. Sfamiria diadelpha : antherce uniformes ; loculis apice confluentibus, valvula contraria ab apice ad basin separanti dehiscentes ! Ovarium monospermiuu. Sfi/lus subulatus. Stigma obtusum. Le(jumen ovatum, lenticu- lari-compressum, echinatum .

74] Herba, v. Suffrutex, glabra^ fjlandulosa ; ramidis an- yulatis. Eolia cum impari jnnnaia ; foUolis oj^positis, subtus glandulosis. Stipulse parvce, basi pietioli adnaice. Floras sjncaii, parvi, albicanfes.

Obs. Subgenus forsan Psoralese, cui habit u simile, foliis calycibusque pariter glandulosis ; diversum dehiscentia insolita antherarum 1

6. Clidanthera psoralioides.

Loc. Suffrutex bipedahs in paludosis. D. Sturt.

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