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§ 220
Ni threithir y gwir i gyd
Yn llyfr nac unlle hefyd. G. Gl., P 114/458.

' The whole truth is not stated in a book or anywhere else.'

hefyd < Brit. *sami-ti ; suff. of manner *-ti 162 vi (2) added to *s e m-i-, with z-flexion following *s e m e li- (: Lat. simili-s) : Tr. samlith, same meaning, < *samali-ti < the fuller *s e m e li- : cf. Lat. simitv, apparently formed with suff. -tud from loc. *semei, "Walde 2 s.v.

(9) wedi ' afterwards ' e. g-. Matt, xxvi 73, Act. iii 24, B.CW. 21 1. 10, gwedi 1. 22 ; Early Mn. W. and Ml. W. (g}wedy, O. W. guotig ox., guetig B.S.CH. 2 ' afterwards ' ; na cTiynt no, gwedy R.M. 1 68 ' neither before nor after ', cynt na chwedy L.G.C. 66.

The final -i is late 213 ii (2). In the recent period wedi adv. has given place to wedyn, a dial, contraction of wedy hyn ( after this '.

gwedy, O. W. guotig, Bret, goude < Brit. *uotig(os) which may be for *uo-te-gos (eg > ig 65 ii (3)) ; *uo < *upo which as an adverb of time meant ' after ', cf. Skr. -tipa adv. ' moreover, further ', and Lat. s-ub- in sub-sequof, succedo; *-te suffix of time 162 vi (2) ; to *uo-te seems to have been added the suff. *-ghos as in ac ' and ' 222 i (3). Its consonantal ending is proved by the rad. initial which follows it as a prep.

(10) draw 'yonder' ; yma a thraw 'here and there'.

draw is probably for *trawf 110 iii (i) < *tram-, perhaps loc. *tramei of stem *tramo- : cf. *j)ramo- in Lat. prandium. " From Vter- there are old nominal m-formations, which have become adverbial and prepositional " Brugmann 2 II ii 901. See 156 i (22).

(11) ^ma 'here', poet. yman\ Ml. W. yma W.M. 22, ymma do. 32, 39, yman IL.A. 30 ; hyt yman W.M. 186 { hither ' ; draw ac yman R.P. 1369.

A chats un o'i chusttnau * Misprinted yma.
Yman a i'w ddwyn ym, neu ddau. D.G. 186, cf. 264.

' And ask for one of her kisses to bring here to me or two.'

Chuilio yman (misprinted ym man) . . Chwilio hwnt Gr.O. 32 ' Searching here, searching there '.

W. yma, yman, Corn, yma, omma (o ≡ y Williams Lex. s.v.), -ma man, Bret, ama, aman, -ma, -man, Van. ama, amann, amenn. Oil the loss of final -nn see 110 v (2). The word is perhaps to be divided *ym-ann < *esmi loc. sg. of the pron. *e- 189 iii (2) + *anda prob. < *an-dha ; *an- variant of *cn- of the *eno- pron. (cf. Goth. anfiar 'alius ' Brugmann 2 II ii 336) with suff. -dha 162 vi (2) as in Skr. i-hd ' here ', Gk. lv-0a ; *anda survives in Bret, ann ' here ', Ir. and ' there, in it '.

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