Page:Notes on equitation and horse training.djvu/39

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Second leg lesson or first suppling of the haunches.—We have already given the horse the first leg lesson—the lesson in moving straight to the front—by drilling him to yield to the action of the legs. We will now teach him to yield to the effect of one leg, carrying the haunches to the right or left; this second lesson, which necessitates the crossing of the hind legs and gives mobility to the hind quarters, is a most useful suppling for the horse.

The best way to give a horse this second lesson is to use half turns on the forehand in reverse; half turns on the forehand are nothing more nor less than abouts on the forehand made while marching.[1] For example, marching; on the right hand, leave the track on a diagonal (oblique) and return to it by a half turn to the left [2] exacted by a

  1. a In the expressions "demivoltes renversés" and "demitours sur les épaules faits en marchant," an apparent inconsistency is encountered. The "demi-tour sur les ^paules" is the "about on the forehand" of our drill regulations. If, however, instead of being held stationary, the forehand is allowed to gain ground (en marchant), we will have the movement contemplated in the lesson, but it will necessarily be on two tracks, the semicircle made by the hind feet having a greater radius than that made by the fore feet. Now, the "volte" is nothing more than our individual "circle," and is a one-track movement. For clearness, then, it is evident that a word is needed to accurately describe this "about made while marching," and the board has decided to use the expression "half-turn." The "turn" of the riding hall will be a movement of 360° and it may be urged that the command will clash with the 90° turn of the drill regulations; but, as one is for an exercise by the individual trooper and the other is for a change of front by a body of men in line, it is thought that no confusion will result.-The Board.
  2. & The commands for this exercise are: (1) Right oblique, (2) March, and (1) On forehand, (2) Half turn in reverse, (3) March. "Half turn in reverse" could, in this case, be expressed "Left half turn," but "in reverse" (renversé) has particular significance and the terms should be retained on that account.