Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/49

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And loveth him, the which that right for love Upon a cros, our soules for to bcye, First starf, and roos, and sit in hcvene a-bove; For he nil falsen no wight, dar I seye, That wol his herte al hoolly on him leye. And sin he best to love is, and most meke, What ncdeth feyned loves for to seke?

��1 6 Ealade

rYD, Absolon, thy gilte tresses clere;

Ester, ley thou thy meknesse al a-dounj Hyd, Jonathas, al thy frendly manere; Penalopee, and Marcia Catoun, Mak of your wyfhod no compansoun; Hyde }c your beautes, Isoude and Eleyne; My lady cometh, that al this may disteyne.

Thy fa ire body, lat hit nat appere,

Lavjne, and thou, Lucresse of Rome toun,

And Polixene, that boghten love so dere,

And Clcopatre, with al thy passioun,

Hyde ye your trouthe of love and your renoun;

And thou, Tisbe, that hast of love swich peyne;

My lady cometh, that al this may disteyne.

Herro, Dido, Laudomia, alle y-fere, And Phyllis, hanging for thy Demophoun, And Canace, espyed by thy cherc, Ybiphilc, betraysed with Jasoun, Makcth of your trouthe neyther boost ne soun; Nor Ypermistre or Adriane, ye tweyne; My lady cometh, that all this may disteyne. 75 starf] died. 16 y-fere] together.

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