Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/290

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of the State of New York. Albany. State Museum. Pp. 86, with Plates.

Michigan Mining-School, Houghton. Catalogue. 1886-'88. Pp. 52.

Preyer, W. The Mind of the Child. D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 346. $1.50.

Robinson, E. G. Principles and Practice of Morality. Boston: Silver, Rogers & Co. Pp. 264. $1.50.

Rochester, New York. Report of the Board of Education. Pp. 176.

Rolleston. George, and Jackson, W. H. Forms of Animal Life. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 937. $9.

Rosenthal. R. S. The Meisterschaft System for learning Latin. Part I. Boston: Meisterschaft Publishing Company. Pp. 66.

Sawyer, H. C, M.D. Nerve Waste. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company. Pp. 98.

Shufeldt, R. W. Observations on the Pterylosis of Certain Picidæ. Pp. 10.

Spencer, Prof J. W. Glacial Erosion in Norway and High Latitudes. Pp. 12.

Tanner, T. H. Memoranda on Poisons. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston. Pp. 177. 75 cents.

Thomas, C. H. M.D. Philadelphia. Graduated Tenotomy in the Treatment of Insufficiencies of the Ocular Muscles. Pp. 12.

Tradesman's Publishing Company. New York. Marketing. Grocers' Goods. Furniture and the Art of Furnishing. Each, Pp. 64. and 20 cents.

Washington University, St. Louis. Catalogue, 1887-'68. Pp. 187.

Wood, R. C, M.D., Atlanta, Ga. Duality of the Brain. Pp. 8.

Wordsworth, William. The Prelude. With Notes by A. J. George. D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 322.

Wright, J. M. N. Seaside and Wayside. (School Reader.) Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 87.


The Discoverer of Chloroform.—The Jefferson County (N. Y.) Historical Society, having secured the battle-field of Sackett's Harbor, besides erecting a monument to the soldiers buried there, has determined to perpetuate the memory, in a similar way, of Dr. Samuel Guthrie as the discoverer of chloroform. In aid of this object, Mr. O. Guthrie has prepared an account of Dr. Guthrie and his work, in which his claims to the original discovery of chloroform are set forth. Dr. Guthrie was born the son of a practicing physician in Brimfield, Mass., in 1782. He was an examining surgeon in the army during the War of 1812, and established a vinegar-factory at Sackett's Harbor, for supplying the military post there. In 1817 he removed to that place, and prosecuted experiments in the manufacture of powder, which, extending over a period of nearly forty years, were, perhaps, more extensive than those of any other man of his day. The priming-powder—"percussion pill"—made there, is of his invention. He died in 1848. His claim to priority in the discovery of chloroform rests upon his publication, in "Silliman's Journal" for October, 1831, of an article which circumstances indicate to have been written not later than in July of the same year, describing the preparation and properties of a spirituous solution of chloric ether. The ether was prepared by distilling chloride of lime with alcohol. In the article referred to. Dr. Guthrie says: "During the last six months a great number of persons have drunk of the solution of chloric ether in my laboratory, not only very freely, but frequently to the point of intoxication; and, so far as I have observed, it has appeared to be singularly grateful, both to the palate and stomach, producing promptly a lively flow of animal spirits and consequent loquacity, and leaving, after its operation, little of that depression consequent to the use of ardent spirits. This free use of the article has been permitted, in order to ascertain the effect of it in full doses on the healthy subject; and thus to discover, as far as such trials would do, its probable value as a medicine." The subject has been investigated since the publication of Mr. Guthrie's pamphlet, by a committee of the Chicago Medical Society, whose report, we understand, fully substantiates Dr. Guthrie's claim to priority. It appears, in fact, that the account of Dr. Guthrie's process for obtaining chloric ether was in the publisher's hands prior to May 8, 1831; that his chloroform was at the same time in Prof. Silliman's hands for distribution; and that experiments had then been making with the article for six months. This would carry the date of the discovery back into 1830. The claim of Dr. Soubeiran, the Frenchman, is based upon the publication of his account in January, 1832; and Liebig's work upon the subject was, by his own assertion, completed in November, 1831.

Training for Census-Work.—Hon. Carroll D. Wright, Commissioner of the United States Bureau of Labor, in a recently published paper on "The Study of Statistics in American Colleges," says: "I would urge upon the Government of the United States, and upon the governments of the various