Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 83.djvu/24

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Fig. 10. Head of Reindeer engraved on Cavern Wall, at Tuc d'Audgobert (Ariège). A club-shaped figure across the head. Votive offering for success in the chase.

Willendorf (Austria). In all there is an evident exaggeration of certain female characters rather than a serious attempt to copy nature faithfully (Pl. II.). The lines of the male figure, who has apparently just let fly an arrow from his bow, are fairly true to the original (Pl. III.). The bas relief of the female holding the bison horn was painted red; traces of the color still persist not only on the body but also over all the cut portion of the rock. The practise of painting engraved and relief figures was no doubt quite general, examples having been reported lately from La Madeleine and Castillo (Spain).

The paleolithic artist was quick to detect in the configuration of the rock a resemblance to animal forms and to heighten the resemblance by judicious use of engraving or color. To illustrate this point the figure of a bison on a column of stalagmite in the cavern of Castillo near Puente Viesgo, Spain, is chosen (Pl. IV.). It took very little though well-directed effort on the part of the artist to complete a form already blocked out by nature. A few incised lines and the application of color (black) about the head and shoulders sufficed. A bison at Niaux