Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/894

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She Lies on Her Side — But They'll Raise Her

��The "Washingtonian" foundered in ninety feet of water. They are floating her with compressed air

��Ol'R ]3resent-day salvors, who no longer hesitate to attack with un- daunled spirit sunken slii|)s which have been given up as hopeless, will watch with interest the bringing of the

��26, 1910, the Wasliiiigloiiiau sank in ninety feel of water. Loaded to her full capacity' with raw sugar brought from the Hawaiian Islands for Philadelphia, she sank in ten minutes. The sugar ab-


���LyinR fifteen miles out at sea under ninety feel of Wiitcr the "Washinnlonian" is brinR sal- voEcd by compressed air. It is the most omliitious undcrtnUing of the kind ever attempted

��.^merican-Ilawaiian frciglil steamship Wasliinyjoitidii to the surface. The salvaging of the :hip represents a ncv/ ch.nptcr in salvage history.

After a collision with the .\meric::!i fivc-mnslcd schooner Klizahrlli in a heavy fog olT the Delaware Coa:;t on January

��sorbed the imushing waters and made the vessel so t('phoa\y that she turned r.nd went down on her side. Before she coulil be located, the water dissolved much of the sugar, thus saving tltc s;'.l- vors the trouble of unloading her.

I'rom the d.iv that the vessel sank


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