Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/901

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Popular Science Monthly Had Only


���If Robinson Crusoe Thought of '

THE aver- age man has enough ingcnuitN' to build a shelter for himself anywhere. If urtlinary ma- terials are not at hand he immediately proceeds to find some- thing that can be made to answer the purpose, whatevermay have been the use for whicii it was origin- ally intended. The man in the photograph was doing sentry duty "somewhere" in the war zone, and the only material he could find that was at all available for shelter was the keel of an old boat that had been beached and discarded by- its owners.

This he cut in half and erected as shown, using the short lengths and waste pieces of board for a door and to fill in the gaps. In this he was protected from every kind of weather.

��At right: Valentine Rein- eger with his ornate blown- glass pipe which holds al- most a pound of tobacco

��Curios Made by Glass-Blowers Spare Moments



��The sentinel's hut made out of the keel of a discarded boat. When made watertight by patching and filling the gaps it made a comfortable enough shelter

��automatic glass-blowing machine has not only- supplanted the man who formerly did the \\()rk by hand but has deprived the glass-blower's friends and relatives of the many curious and interesting things which it was his custom to make during his spare time for his own amuse- ment or profit.

Valentine Reine- gcr of Alton, III., 65 \cars old and a re- tired glass-blower, had the distinction

��Below: The cannon, which is made of blue and flint glass finely balanced

����of being one of the most expert in the coun- try at making odd pieces. His productions ranged from articles in common use to those of warfare, and he frequently blew images of animals.

The glass pipe shown in the illustration his most difficult piece. It is e feet high. The bowl is three nches in diameter and six inches deep. It would hold nearly a pound of tobacco. The pipe is decorated and weighs near- ly ten pounds.

Of course the pipe is in- tended onl\- for ornamental purposes. It would be hard to conceive of the most in- \eterate smoker indulging in a full-pound smoke, un- less he happened to be sit- ting at an Indian peace conference.

The cannon at the left is of blue and flint glass. The greatest difficulty en- countered in making it was in securing a balance. A sword and sheath of Hint glass and of natural size is another implement of war made by Mr. Reincgcr.

His biown-glass animals in- lude horses, cows, reindeer and illigators which are true to life n almost everj- detail of general ppearance.

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