Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/240

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���Popular Science Monthly

��The upper tray slides on the sustaining rods so that it extends over the bed to just the desired location. The lower one is stationery

A Double-Decked Serving Tray for the Sick Room

ANEW wheeled serving-tray has been devised by John J. Moore, of Batavia, New York, for dining-room and hospital service. It is especially useful in the sick room, as the upper tray member may be extended to one side over the bed on which the patient who is to be fed from it is reclining.

In hospital service the superposed trays are especially useful for segre- gating medicinal preparations and the like from surgical instruments, bandages, etc., and thus reducing time and labor incident to many separate operations. Moreover, the supporting frame of the trays may be quickly ele- vated or partially collapsed whenever desired.

Although one's first thought is of the sick and convalescent when an in- vention like this is brought to the attention, it must be admitted that there are times when the well an/d hearty are appre- ciative of a breakfast served in bed. The serving tray could be "laid" attractively and the coffee pot and cover- ed dishes kept piping hot on the tray below.

��Truth Crushed to Earth Will Rise Again But a Lie Can't Be Crushed At All

IF you have noticed the big wooden clocks that are hung as shingles outside jewelers' windows, you will have noticed that they point generally to 8:i8. The story has often been told that the patri- otic sign painters paint the hands in this position for the purpose of commemorating the time ot President Lincoln's assassin- ation. But — as the Three Wise Men would say — don't believe everything you hear. This has recently been investigated by some interested men with the result that the story, patriotic though it is, could not possibly be true. In the first place, Abraham Lincoln was shot over an hour later than 8:i8. But more than this, jewelers' clocks were pointing out 8:i8 twenty-five years before that un- fortunate night in April, 1865. They were placed in that position to give the greatest possible space for the jewelers' names and for their advertisements. Finally it was found out that the story itself was merely a "frame up" by two newspaper men who thought they would test a pet theory of theirs — that a plausible lie, when once in circulation, will continue to go on forever.

���The yolks are in one bowl; the whites in the other. Turn the crank and you beat both at once in record time

��Beating the Yolks and Whites at the Same Time

A DOUBLE egg-beater has been devised by a Seattle man — Nicholas Condogeorge — by means of which the whites and yolks of eggs, in two separate bowls, may be beaten simultaneously. This saves a great deal of time, and is an advantage which is of special importance to cooks in hotels and restaurant kitchens.

The two beaters are sup- ported from a frame having a U-shaped handle which may be grasped by the left hand, while the beating handle is rotated with the right hand. The beating handle or crank is at- tached to a vertical gear wheel that meshes with a gear attached to one of the beaters. This gear in turn meshes with other gears that drive the companion beater simultaneously.

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