Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/51

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Popular Science Monthly


���Motive Type. Positive; determined; opinionated; practical; set views and opin- ions; not easily influenced; stem and severe; impatient; irritable; not fond of society; reliable and inflexible; the rough diamond type of man

��Motive- vital Type. Coarse, positive tempera- ment; determined; dogged; opinionated; not a great thinker; self-important; great endurance; strong willed; will put through his schemes in spite of great opposition

��Mental-motive Type. Plausible and full of plans; likes to influence others; can conceal his real views and aims in clever talking; posi- tive and opinionated; observ- ant and calculating; plenty of self-esteem; clear-headed

��over a mountain trail twenty-five miles a day, it would be better for me to select a

���Admiral von Tirpitz. A great head for systematizing; a clear planner; arranges and plans beforehand; very little escapes him; good foresight; great will-power and determination; very immobile and hard face; not faltering; wonderful strength of purpose; enormous amount of endurance; hard to influence; thinks for himself ; does not want to be told; very broad grasp of possibilities and conception of what is going on about him; has great faith in himself and his conclusions; great force in face — not a weak line; has an eye for the main chance; looks out for himself; not altruistic

��mule for the work. If I am going hunting, a suitable dog is better than a man.

Immense losses have been suffered in the past because men were used when wind or water could have been more cheaply har- nessed, or men were used when horses and oxen could have done much more. Our ancestors were almost as stupid as we still are. The value of selection between the suitable and the unsuitable was not obvious to them until fifty years ago.

If, however, we have progressed to the point of wanting a man for a man's job, the next question is how to select the right man out of the i ,600,000,000 human beings on earth.

Unfortunate though it may be, many positions are subject to race restrictions, and this in the case of Pullman car posi- tions may cut out all but candidates of African descent, or as to many positions it limits our choice to members of the white race. If it is a government position the restriction is still further limited to Amer- ican-born or naturalized candidates. We have in this case already cut down our field of choice from 1,600,000,000 to 100,000,000.

The next and more obvious restriction is that of age. The position may be one to preclude those under eighteen years of age or over sixty. This age restriction culls out two-thirds of the hundred million. Most

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