Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/521

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Popular Science Monthly


��Detail drawing of the rollers and cutting frame of the cigar- making machine

��action of these rollers is similar to that of a hand shaping the cigar.

After the familiar spindle-shape is ob- tained, a binder is placed on the porous belt which passes over the suction box 15. One end of the binder being glued and moistened, it is at once fastened around the cigar. Then the lower roller moves to one side and the finished cigar drops into a pipe below, through which it is conveyed to the cigar box.

By this method a great quantity of cigars, uniform in blend and quality-,

may be cut, shaped and packed in boxes in a mere fraction -of the time formerly re- quired and at little expense after the cost of installation of the machinerv is met.


���How a Boy Started the Hawaiian Pineapple Industry

BEFORE the United States acquired them the Hawaiian Islands were famous chiefly for their natives and their leper colony. There were no special culti- vation of the soil, no trade, and no commercial industries of value. But since

��the annexation to the United States in 1900, American enthusiasm and American progressiveness have invaded the land. The pineapple industry is one of the best illustrations of the result of this i\mer- icanizing. It was started almost by chance, by a compar- atively uneducated, inexperienced New England lad, the son of a clerg> man. He chose to locate in Hawaii on account of its wonderful cli- mate, and finding that the pineapples were especially lus- cious and that they grew quickly and abundantly, he per- suaded his father to secure a few thousand dollars for him to start him in the pineapple- raising business. It was a veritable get- rich-quick scheme. It has netted fortunes to each one of those friendh" parishioners who advanced money for the venture.

At first the fruit was sent to the United States fresh and was marketed along the Pacific coast. But now there is a cannery with a capacity- of ten thousand cans an hour, from which the fruit is shipped to all parts of^the world.

����Two thousand acres of pineapples, laid out in geometrical designs over the undulating valleys of Hawaii. The land is of wonderful fertility in spite of the fact that it is of volcanic origin

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