Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/799

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Popular Science Monthly


��parallel with the cross-bar, then kick the left leg upward to the right. Follow with a kick from the right leg in the same direc- tion. This brings the jumper horizontal and almost parallel with the bar and above it and with the right side next to it. This is followed with a backward and downward swing of the right leg and an additional right turn so as to alight facing the bar on the right or both feet. The run should be at right angles to the bar or nearly so, so that it is not confused with the novice scissors style, which is sometimes called "The novices' delight," because it is easy to do and the beginner can make a higher jump with it than with the others. But it has woful limitations and is never used by the best jumpers, because when the bar is high it is impossible to get enough side action to clear it well, and if the jumper attempts to lay-out he may get a bad fall. In this style the run is made al- most parallel

���any height above the minimum height. At each successive height each competitor takes one trial in his proper turn; then those failing, if any, take their second trial jump in like order, after which those having failed twice make their third trial jump. A competitor may decline to jump at any height in his turn, but by so doing he for- feits his right to jump again at the height declined. The jump is made over a bar resting on pegs projecting from the up- rights, and when this bar is removed from its place it is counted as a trial jump. Neither diving nor somersaulting over the bar is permitted. All measurements are made perpendicularly from the ground to

the upper

side of the

bar, where it

is lowest.

The e m-

ployment of weights

or grips of any kind

is forbidden.

Training Hints

See that the pit is

soft so as to prevent

sprains. To

��In the "shoot style" the jumper passes feet foremost at right angles across the bar

��with the bar and the jump is like the scissors high kick.

The uprights for a high jump must be at least 12 ft. apart and must not be moved during the competition. The take-off ground about the jump must be level. As soon as a jumper makes a spring in order to jump, it counts as a trial. A line drawn 3 ft. in front of the bar and parallel with it, is known as the balk line, and stepping over such line in an attempt, is counted as a balk. Two successive balks count as a trial jump.

The field judges decide the height at which the jump commences and regulate the succeeding elevations. Three jumps are allowed at each height, and a failure at the third attempt disqualifies the con- testant. A competito'- may commence at

��avoid straining muscles, keep them warm. Always do some preliminary jogging, stretching and massage of the muscles before jumping. Take only ten or twelve jumps a day, three days a week. If a stiffness comes on, rest and apply massage for several days. The best jumpers wear special jumping shoes with six spikes in front and two at the heel, and a piece of rubber sponge in the shoes to prevent bruis- ing the heels. Learn to alight on both feet, or better still on all fours, to avoid excessive work for the jumping leg. Practice at several inches below your contest mark and do your best only once a week. On alternate days practice sprinting and jogging. Preliminary training should be largely sprinting, high jumping, and accur- ate striding between marks. If the feet or ankles are even a little lame or strained, rest and apply massage until better.

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