Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/215

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Popular Science Moiifhlf/


���How the poilu is taught to handle the bayonet. Here he is advancing against an imaginary enemy. The dummy figures which can be seen in the background are bayonet targets

��through a rigorous course of training. Life in the trenches is far from easy. The men must be in fine condition if they are to stand the hardships. Herbert wants to bring out the best in every man. First of all he makes the men strip to the waist. This toughens their skins and enables them to stand severe weather. The training consists in climbing trees, running on their hands and feet, rolling on the ground, fording streams and practising military tactics. The men train every day no matter what the weather conditions may be. They are taught to

��throw grenades, charge trenches, use bayonets effectively and handle all the delicate machines and weapons which have been developed by this war.

As an example of what this training will do, take the case of an attack in a real battle which took place last April. A group of thirty-four grenadiers which was quickly reduced to twenty-six, threw eight thousand, five hundred hand grenades in three hours and a half. If these men had not been in the best physical condition such a feat would have been absolutely impossible.

���French soldiers at one of the Herbert military schools. The men are developing their muscles by walking on their elbows and their toes. They always work stripped to the waist

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