Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 92.djvu/718

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��Popular Science Monthly


��An Enterprising Photographer " Shoots " Draft Army

IT was an event to be remembered when the 10,000 men, forming the New York

contingent for the

selective draft army marched in parade on Fifth Avenue, New York City, on Wash- ington's Birthday, during a blinding snowstorm. In spite of the unfavorable weather, photog- raphers managed to get many excellent pictures of the parade. Particularly interest- ing were the motion- pictures taken by an enterprising motion- picture concern which obtained the views in a novel manner. By special permission a giant tripod, tower- ing high over the heads of the marchers and the multi- tude of spectators, was set up at the inter- section of Fortieth Street and Fifth Avenue. From this strategic spot the camera-man, who mounted the tripod with his camera made an excellent and complete


���Draft army parade photographed in New York on Washington's Birthday

��Iligh-Water Street Cars Recently Used in Cincinnati

HEN the Ohio River is on a ram- page, the streets in the lower sec- tion of Cincinnati, in the levee district, are often flooded and many times traffic on the car lines has had to be stopped.

To remedy this con- dition the engineer- ing department of the traction company de- vised the high-water cars shown in the ac- companying illustra- tions. The car bodies are placed upon tres- tles resting upon the wheel trucks, so that the floors of the cars are about five feet above the level of the street. The front car furnishes the power with its motors up high and dry and communicates it to the car wheels by means of sprocket chains. The trailers are similarly raised and three steps give access to them. These cars are capable of making their way through water of a depth of five and a half feet and are

��record of the parade as it passed that point. giving great satisfaction.

���Cincinnati's high-water cars, specially designed so that car and runniiii; gear are all out of the water. The cars can run in five and-a -half feet of water and operate in flood-time

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