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Janet Reed


A woman of any age can have an attractive well-proportioned figure if she has good posture, adequate exercise, follows a sensible diet, and wears properly fitted foundation garments.

It is possible to achieve good posture, even though poor posture habits may have been developed early in life. Developing good posture requires a knowl­edge of posture faults, a strong desire to do something about it, and the will power to work at posture until it improves. In some cases corrective exercises may be needed. Frequently, the proper foundation garment will help support the body and assist in developing and maintaining good posture.

Posture is an expression of yourself. How you stand, sit, and walk shows others something about your attitudes, your state of mind, your general health, your habits, and the care and attention you give your body. Since the posture to which you are accustomed soon becomes the most comfortable, strive to make a habit of standing and walking erectly.

Standing and walking erectly can add inches to your height (Figure 1). The woman who carries herself well catches attention in any crowd. Good clothes do not necessarily make the woman, but good posture helps to make the woman look well in her clothes.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The information about posture is taken from Cor­nell Extension Bulletin 535, "The Woman and Her Posture," by Mrs. Helen Powell Smith. This bulletin is now out-of-print.