Page:Richard Nixon's presidential daily calendar - 1969.djvu/1766

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Attendees at the meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy and the Cabinet Committee on Construction, November 13, 1969.

Spiro T. Agnew, Vice President

David M. Kennedy, Sec of the Treasury

Winton M. Blount, Postmaster General

Clifford M. Hardin, Sec of Agriculture

Maurice H. Stans, Sec of Commerce

George P. Shultz, Sec of Labor

George W. Romney, Sec of HEW

John A. Volpe, Sec of Transportation

Arthur F. Burns, Counsellor

Robert P. Mayo, Dir of the BOB

Paul W. McCracken, Chmn of the CEA

Nathaniel Samuels, Dep Under Sec of State

Robert Kunzig, Adm of GSA

Paul A. Volcker, Under Sec of the Treasury

Hendrik S. Houthakker, member of the CEA

Herbert Stein, member of the CEA

John D. Ehrlichman, Asst

Peter M. Flanigan, Asst

William L. Safire, Spec Asst

Fred Bergsten, NSC staff member

Bert Cox, CEA staff member

Sidney Jones, CEA staff member

D. Patrick Moynihan. Counsellor

Fred Deming