Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/217

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A.D. 1718.
Anno quinto Georgii Regis.
C. 1,2.

CAP. I. An A 61 for granting to his Majefry an Aid by a Land-Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen. ' CXXIII. A ND whereas the Sum of one hundred thirty-nine thoufand nine hundred fifty-eight How ttwDefi. x Pounds fix Shillings and two Pence, was paid by the Treafurer of his Majefty's Navy cienc J r ° f to the South-Sea Company, out of Money provided for the Service of his Majefty's Navy for the Year <£'*? 'f ll one thoufand (even hundred and eighteen, purfuant to Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, for compleating v cjr i-i ? , to the funds of fix hundred and eight thoufand Pounds per Annum, payable to the faid Company, or the the Treafurer of Arrearages thereof, until the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen inclu- the Nav X n,al1 lively: And whereas a Sum not exceeding twenty nine thoufand fix hundred forty-five Pounds eight ee ° oc Shillings and nine Pence Farthing, by an Act of the fourth Year of his Majefty's Reign, was appropri-4 Ge0, *■ c ' '• ated for or towards enabling the .Treafurer of the Navy to make good the Payments, which in the Half- year endin^ on the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen might be de- manded of him, purfuant to any former Act or A£ts of Parliament for compleating the faid Funds of fi:< hundred eight thoufand Pounds per Annum, payable to the faid Company; and the faid Sum of twenty- nine thoufand fix hundred forty-five Pounds eight Shillings and nine Pence Farthing, hath been ifl'ued to the faid Treafurer, and paid or directed to be paid accordingly, fo that fo much of the faid Deficiency as ftill remains to be made good to the Treafurer of his Majefty's Navy, doth amount to one hundred ten thoufand three hundred and twelve Pounds feventeen Shillings and four Pence three Farthings : And whereas fome Doubts have been made in the Conftruction of certain Claufes in an Aft of Parliament of the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, made for the redeeming the then yearly Fund of the faid Com- 3 Gi0 - »• c - 7«  pany ; by which Claufes it was enacted, That in default of fupplying fuch Deficiency in the Manner thereby prescribed, the fame fhould be made good out of the general yearly Fund of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence one fifth Part of a Penny, by another Act of the third Year of his Majefty's Reign, efLtblifhed or intended to be efta-3 Geo ' »■ c - ?• blifhed, as by the faid feveral Acts (Relation being thereunto refpectively had) may more fully appear :' Now for obviating all Doubts concerning the refunding of the faid Sum of one hundred ten thoufand three hundred and twelve Pounds feventeen Shillings and four Pence three Farthings, to the Treafurer of his Ma- jefty's Navy, It is hereby declared and enacted, &c. " The faid Deficiency amounting to one hundred ten thoufand three hundred and twelve Pounds feventeen " Shillings and four Pence three Farthings, fhall be made good to the Treafurer of his Majefty's Navy, upon " Account, out of the general yearly Fund of feven hundred twenty-four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine

  • ' Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence one fifth Part of a Penny, or out of Money to be raifud at the Exche-

quer for purchafing Annuities, charged on the general Fund, and iransferrable at the Bank." [Of thi» Money 107,8021. 17s. 4d. 3q. was fubferibed into South-Sea Stock, purfuant to 6 Geo. 1. c. 4. and the Refidue redeemed 10 Geo. 1. c. 5. J CAP. II. An Act for continuing the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cvder and Perry, for the Service of the Year one thoufand i'tven hundred and nineteen •, and for enlarging the Time for entring at the Exchequer fuch Afllgnments of Reverfionary Annuities as are therein mentioned ; and for better fecuring the Duties on Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment. ' VIII. AND whereas by an Act cf Parliament made and pafTeJ in the fourth Year of the Reign of 4 & 5 w - & M» jT. King William and Queen Mary, of glorious Memory, for granting certain Rates and Duties c> 3' of Excife, for fecuring certain Reccmpences and Advantages to fuch as fhould advance the Sum of one Million towards carrying on the then War againft France: It was enacted, That it fhould and might be lawful for any Contributor, his Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, by any Writing under Hand and Seal, or by his laft Will in Writing, to affign or devife any one or more Share or Shares of the Fund therein mentioned to any Perforl or Perfons, and no fuch Alignment to be. revocable, fo as an Entry or Memorandum thereof were made in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, within the Space of two Months after fuch Affignment or Death of the Devifor; and upon producing fuch Affignment or Will, the Party v/as and is to bring an Affidavit of the Execution thereof to be filed,, as is .herein fpecified ; And whereas in purfuance oi an A£t of Parliament made in the ninth Year of his faid late 9 & 10 W. 3. Majefty's Reign, for enlarging the Time for purchafing certain Eftates or Interefts in the Annuities c - a 4- therein mentioned,- feveral reverfionary Tallies were ftruckj and Orders thereupon drawn, for Payment of reverfionary Annuities, in the Name of Richard then Ear! of Ranelagh of the Kingdom of Ireland, and by him ilfued out to fuch Ufes as in and by the faid Act were directed j but fome Doubtarifing whether the Affignir.entB made by the faid Earl on the Back of the faid Orders were according; to the Form pre= fcribed by the faid former Act, It was by another Act. of the eleventh Year of his Taid late Majefty's n & 12 w. 3. Reign enacted, That ali and every the laid endorfed Affignments then made, or thereafter to he made 'by c " 3- k& - ll - Vox,, V, A a ' the