Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/625

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Rotuls Parliamenti de Anno Regni Regine Elizabeth Primo.

In Parliamento tento apud Westmonasterium Vicesimo quinto die Januarij Anno Regni Serenissime et Excellentissime Domine nostre Elizabethe dei gratia Anglie Frantie et Hibernie Regine fidei defensoris Primo Communi omnium Dominorum tam Spiritualium quam Temporalium et Communitatis assensu ac dicte Regie Majestatis tum presentis consensu Sancita Inacta Stabilita et Ordinata suerunt Hec Quadraginta Statuta Subsequentia Viz:


An Acte giving aucthoritee to the Quenes Majeftie uppon thadvoidance of any Archbishoppriche or Bishoppriche to take into her handes certeine of the Temporall possessions therof recompensing the same withe parsonages Impropriate and Tenthes.
Exhibita est Regie Majestati in parliamento predicto Billa Quedam formam actus in se continens.

From the Rolls.

THE Lordes Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this presente parliament assembled perceyving howe necessary yt ys for the Imperyall Crowne of this Realme to be repayred withe Restitution of Revenues meete for the same and having assented and fully accorded to restore to the same Imperiall Crowne the first fruites of tenthes and parsonages Impropryate for thencrease of the Revenue therof bee also desirous to devise some good meanes wherby the sayd Revenue of Tenthes and Impropryate benefices might bee in the governance and disposition of the Clergie of this Realme being most apte for the same in suche sorte as yet therby the said Imperyall Crowne shoulde not bee in any wise dyminished in the sayd Restored revenue And therfore Beseche your Majestie That it maye bee enacted by thaucthoritee of this present parliament in manner and fourme hereafter following That ys to saye upon the vacation and avoydance of every Archbishoprick or Bishoprick within this your Realme of Englande and Wales and other your highnes domynions yt shall and may bee lawfull for your highnes to electe and Choose and to take into your handes and reall possession asmuche and so manye of anye the Honoures Castelles Manors Landes tenementes or other hereditamentes beyng parcell of the possessions of any suche Archsbisshoprick or bysshoprick so beyng voyde as the clere yerely valeue of all your Majesties personags appropriate and yerely Tenthes within every suche Archebishopricke or Bisshoppricke shall yerely amounte and extende unto And for the tryall of every valeue of suche Honours Castelles Manors Landes tenements and hereditamentes yt shall and may bee lawfull for your highnes from tyme to tyme to directe your Letters of Commission under your hignes greate Seale of Englande into every such Archebysshoprick or Bishoprick so being voyde to suche persons as your Majestie shall thinck mete

and covenient Gyving them authoritee therby to surveye suche Honnors Castelles Manors Landes tenementes and hereditamentes parcell of the possessions of the same Archbisshopricke or Bisshopricke so being voyde as to your Majestie shalbe thought mete and convenient to bee taken into your highnes handes and possesyon and therupon to certefye the verye clere yerely value therof over all chardges and repryses into your highnes Courte of Exchequer at suche daye and tyme as by the said Commission shalbe lymited and appoynted And after suche Certyficate into the saide Courte of Eschequer of the Clere yerely value of suche Honnors Castelles Manors landes tenementes and hereditamentes so had and made It shall and may bee lawful for your highnes by your Letters patentes to gyve and assure unto suche Archebysshopp and Bisshoppe and his successours as shalbee preferred and consecrated Archebysshopp or Bisshopp of suche Archebisshopricke or Bishoprick so being voyde so muche and so many of your yerely Tenthes Tithes and parsonags appropriated being within the same Archbishopprick or Bisshoprick as shalbee of as muche or of more yerely valeue as the said Honours Castells Manors lands tenements or hereditamentes so certefied into your sayd Court of Exchequer bee certefied unto And that immediately upon suche gifte and grante made by your highnes and the same by your Majestie under your Sygnet or Sygne Manuell signified unto your Threaforer and Barons of your sayd Courte of Exchequer togither withe your pleasure for the reteyning and keping of the sayd Honors Castelles Manors landes tenements or other hereditamentes so certefied into your said Courte of Exchequer in lewe and place of the said Tenthes tythes and parsonags appropriate The same and suche Honors Castles Manors landes tenementes and other hereditamentes as so shall then bee certified into your said Courte of Exchequer shalbe adjudged vested and demed by aucthoritee of this presente parliament actually and really in your highnes your heires and successors and bee from thensforthe united and annexed to thimperiall Crowne of this your Realme for ever And from thensforthe shalbee in thorder survey rule and governance of your said Courte of Exchequer in suche like manner and forme as other your highnes posses sions and hereditaments bee at this presente Provided alwaies and bee it enacted by thaucthoritee aforesayd That this acte or any thing therin conteyned shall not extende to gyve any Libertye or auothoritee to your highnes to take from any suche Archebishoprick or Bisshoprick any of the Mansyon howses commonly used for the habitation or dwelling of any suche Archebisshoppe or Bisshopp or any the Demean landes com'only used or