Page:Scheme - An interpreter for extended lambda calculus.djvu/26

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Sussman and Steele December 22, 1975 25 Some Implementation Issues

corresponds roughly to ALGOL's "call by name", and the second is Applicative Order, which corresponds roughly to ALGOL's "call by value" or to LISP functional application.

Under a call-by-name implementation, the <args>* mentioned above are in fact the actual argument expressions, each paired with the environment E. The evaluator has two additional rules:

  1. when a variable x is to be evaluated in environment E1, then its associated expression-environment pair [A,E2] (which is equivalent to an ALGOL thunk) is looked up in E1, and then A is evaluated in E2.
  2. when a "primitive operator" is to be applied, its arguments must be evaluated at that time, and then the operator applied in a call-by-value manner.

Under a call-by-value implementation, the <args>* are the values of the argument expressions; i.e., the argument expressions are evaluated in environment E, and only then is the lambda expression applied. Note that this leads to trouble in defining conditionals. Under call-by-name one may define predicates to return (LAMBDA (X Y) X) for TRUE and (LAMBDA (X Y) Y) for FALSE, and then one may simply write

((= A B) <do this if TRUE> <do this if FALSE>)

This trick depends implicitly on the order of evaluation. It will not work under call-by-value, nor in general under any other reductive order except Normal Order. It is therefore necessary to introduce a special primitive operator (such as "if") which is applied in a call-by-name manner. This leads us to the interesting conclusion that a practical lambda calculus interpreter cannot be purely call-by-name or call-by-value; it is necessary to have at least a little of each.

There is a fundamental problem, however, with using Normal Order evaluation in a lambda calculus interpreter, which is brought out by the iterative programming style. We already know that no net frames are created by iterative programs, and that no net environment structures are created either. The problem is that under a call-by-name implementation there may be a net thunk structure created proportional in size to the number of iteration steps. This problem is inherent in Normal Order, because Normal Order substitution semantics exhibit the same phenomenon of increasing expression size. Therefore iteration cannot be effectively modeled in a call-by-name interpreter. An alternative view is that a call-by-name interpreter remembers more than is logically necessary to perform the computations indicated by the original expressions. This is indicated by the fact that the Applicative Order substitution semantics lead to expressions of fixed maximum size independent of the number of iteration steps.

It turns out that this conflict between call-by-name and iteration is resolved by the use of continuation-passing. If we use a pure continuation-passing programming style, then Normal Order and Applicative Order are the same order! In pure continuation-passing no combination is ever a subcombination of another combination. (This is the justification for the fact mentioned above that no clinks are needed if pure continuation-passing style is used.) Thus, if we wish to model iteration in pure lambda calculus without even an if primitive, we can use Normal Order substitutions and