Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 13.djvu/354

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"The Republic of Jtepublics." ;;;,;;

as it may seem, " the iron enters the soul" of these stricken and sor- rowing commonwealths insufficiently to suit the devilishness of some of their native sons. These are even now aiding the perverters and revolutionists to place and keep the brave and noble hearts of Anglo Saxon Commonwealths under the heel of God's fore-ordained and unchangeable barbarian," 39-40. And all of this was done under a false and pretended title, sustained by forgery and mutilation of the title deeds of a whole and gallant people to equal rights and freedom. Rather a poor prospect! For, all or anything that a free or brave people wants in a government is a union with such peo- ple as these. Poor enough, it would seem, if we are to judge of the future by the past. And yet, we say unhesitatingly, give us a Union like the last when it was founded, if it is to be administered upon Mr. Jefferson's plan that is, upon States rights principles. It was this last failure that wrecked our past venture. Give us all the land be- tween Canada and Mexico, associated on a system of free republics, of associated corporate societies, with the united energies and com- mon light of all to push them ahead. Give to their people free thought, free action, free will cribbed, cabined and confined by noth- ing more than the responsibilities to just law and enlightened order. Regulate such a people by the principles of true and enlightened States rights, and I should always be willing to embark my destinies with them. Let the New England States come, with the intolerance and the odium theologium, if you will, of their early days, within their own domain, on their own soil; let them train their people as they please. There their government is supreme and complete in domestic affairs, but if they attempt to indulge the greed and selfish- ness, for which they have been a little remarkable, at the expense of their confederates, they shall be restrained by the true principles of Union, the doctrines of States rights, which confine them to such united action as looks to the good of all. If Pennsylvania comes with some huge industry to quarter on the Union, we must tell her she must support herself, and not call on others to deny their own children to feed hers. In the beginning of our national rivalry, we started in our race with the world with a Union of free republics and corporate societies, and, taking charge of the best part of the North American Continent and answering to our name in the roll-call of nations, took our place alongside the foremost, and boldly entered for the highest prizes of industry and progress. The old world was not much disposed to recognize the propriety of our daring, and its supercilious critics tried to laugh us out of countenance. Our