Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 21.djvu/10

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2 Southern Historical Society Papers.

The medical officers should be known by, and at all times be ac- cessible to, the individual members of his Camp or Soldiers' Hospital or Home.

The medical officers of the individual camps and organizations should be known to each other and to all the veteran soldiers, in order that every sick and disabled Confederate veteran at home or abroad may at all times and under all circumstances enjoy the skilful and humane attention of our learned and benevolent surgeons.

Upon the last analysis, the great objects of our association are :

ist. The preservation of the story of our heroic struggle, with its victories, defeats, disasters, privations, and sufferings.

2nd. The relief of the sufferings, diseases, and wounds of the vete- rans of the Confederate army and navy.

These grand results can be accomplished only by thorough organ- ization and generous co-operation.

As we march along the great highway of time our ranks are daily thinned by the darts of death. Since the formation of this union of Confederate veterans Commodore Hunter, General G. T. Beauregard, General E. Kirby Smith, and President Jefferson Davis, our great captains, and a host of brave officers and soldiers have answered the last call.

As the Confederate veterans lay their white and weary hearts on the bosom of the earth that bore them, the hand of no paternal gov- ernment, with its millions of pensions, relieves their wants, soothes their death-beds, or marks with the historic marble their resting places.

The privilege of supporting the sick and destitute veterans and immortalizing their heroic deeds by the historic marble and bronze is enjoyed alone by their surviving comrades and confederates.

Much may be accomplished by organized efforts, and to the end that order and efficiency may be secured, I, as Surgeon- Ge*neral U. C. V., addressed, April 7, 1893, the Circular No. 3 to the commander of each individual camp.

From the replies I have consolidated the following table giving information upon the points as requested:

ist. Number of camp.

2d. Location of camp.

3d. Commander of camp.

4th. Medical officer.

5th. Rank of the medical officer in the Confederate army or navy.