Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/81

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'/'In <'},,</, nf tin (',:> 77

federacy, who, I think, was tin- bravest, truest, most virtuous, most sclf-s.KTitidng, and the greatest man I ever kiu-w.

It Mi. W.itterson docs not want contention on this subject kept up, why did lie write a four or five column editorial on it ? when by his own statements, he does not disagree with me that no offer of $400,000,000 was made at the Hampton Roads conference to the Confederate authorities by Mr. Lincoln for the slaves, to secure peace and reunion.



By Lieutenant-Colonel Wm. H. Stewart, C. S. Army.

The editor is indebted to the gallant author for a revised copy of this excellent paper, which was published in the Norfolk, Virginia, Landmark, July 30, 1897, the thirty-third anniversary of the mem- orable action which is so graphically described.

The article has been highly commended by Henry Tyrrell, the author of a series of articles on General R. E. Lee, which recently appeared in Pall Mall Gazette, London.

Colonel Stewart, a valued citizen of Portsmouth, Virginia, is fa- vorably known to the public by his contributions to the press, as well as an entertaining lecturer:

As the wild waves of time rush on, our thoughts now and then run back over rough billows, to buried hopes and unfulfilled antici- pations, and oft we linger long and lovingly, as if standing beside the tomb of a cherished parent.

Thus the faithful follower of the Southern Cross recalls the proud hopes that led him over long and weary marches and in bloody bat- tles.

These foot sore journeys and hard contested fields are now bright jewels in his life, around which the tenderest chords of his heart are closely entwined.

They are monuments of duty! They are sacred resting places for his baffled energies! They are rich mines from which the very hum-