Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/193

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,,/' ///.v/i)/'// Cniluili/t,, .,/ (tl-11,,'1 ( '(1111(1 ('. V. 187

"Under the flag," delivered in Boston, April 2ist, 1861, Wendell Phillips used this language, which we are persuaded is the opinion of many misinformed people to-day, both at the North and at the South. 1 1-- says

" For thirty years the North has exhausted conciliation and com- promise. They have tried every expedient; they have relinquished' every right, they have sacrificed every interest, they have smothered keen sensibility to national honor, and Northern weight and suprem- acy in the Union; have forgotten they were the majority in numbers and in wealth, in education and in strength; have left the helm of government and the dictation of policy to the Southern States," &c.

We propose to show, from (he highest Northern sources, that so far from the above statement being true, it is exactly the opposite of the truth.

General John A. Logan, afterwards a Major-General in the Fed- eral Army, a United States Senator and a candidate for the Vice- Presidency on the Republican ticket, in a speech delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 5th of February, 1861, uses this language:

" The Abolitionists of the North have constantly warred upon Southern institutions, by incessant abuse from the pulpit, from the press, on the stump, and in the halls of Congress, denouncing them ,i> a sin against God and man. * * By these denunciations

and lawless acts on the part of Abolition fanatics such results have been produced as to drive the people of the Southern States to a sleepless vigilance for the protection of their property and the preser- vation of their rights."

The Albany Argus ui November loth, 1860, said:

"We sympathize with, and justify the South as far as this; their rights have been invaded to the extreme limit possible within the forms of the Constitution: and beyond this limit; their feelings have been insulted, and their interests and honor assailed by almost every possible form of denunciation and invective; and if we deemed it certain that the real animus of the Republican party could be car- ried into the administration of the Federal Government, and become the permanent policy of the nation, we should think that all the in- stincts of self preservation and of manhood, rightly impelled them to resort to revolution and a separation from the Union, and we