Page:Speeches And Writings MKGandhi.djvu/668

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murders to surrender themselves if they are at all repentant. The workers must be doubly careful in their talks. They must cease to talk of the evil of the Government and the officials, whether Kuropean or Indian. Bluster must give place to the work of building up put before the nation by the Congress. \Ye must be patient if there ib no response to the de- mand for men, money and munitions. All police orders must be strictly obeyed. There should be no precession? or hartals wh?n known workers arc pro- ^utecl or imprisoned. It Wf \v<>!< nmt* imprisonments cf innocrtit m"Ti, as WP mu'-t, \vr nught to cultivate imioceii'ii and (.ongnuul.iU 1 our^oive* when we are punished for hnlding opinions, or tor doing things that we rounder it r.ur dutv to do f.e., for spinning, or collecting funds, CM Ktir,v{ n.mi'^ for th<* Congress register. There shmi'cl l> no MVI) disobedience. We h.ivo undertaken to ^uiiul ih* t;r.i\osi provocation and romiin non-viohnt. L"l u^ be* careful I^st the hour of our triumph b", by o i' tollv, Llv hour of our defeat and

��[ReVtJti n !j tn^ s<f*//t" ^nbi<.\t iw it subseqncnt issue of his paper. Afr. C<nnlhi u * ot& ' ]

I observe that then* is ;i tendency to minimise the guilt of the Non-Lo-opeiators at Maiegaon. No amount of provocation b\ tlu- bub-Inspector could pobsibly justify retaliation by the Xon-Co-operators. I jun not examining th<i disc from the legal stand- point. I am concerned only with the Non-Co-opera- tor's. He is. bound undor his oath not to retaliate even under the gravest pro\ ocation.

[But what should Non-Co-operators do in the event that anv of its leaders were arrested ? Should hartals

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